Well, quite a while ago, my
mailto:garon604@hotmail.com account was apparently hacked. This was my old, disused account that I reactivated because I needed some sort of a password. I didn't really mind and told all my contacts to delete the account because it appeared to be sending spam messages to the contacts on that list.
Then I forgot that that account was the secondary account to my main e-mail account,
mailto:garon604@gmail.com. This Monday, when I tried to log on... il ne peut pas?!!!!
I've tried everything to make sure the password I was entering was the correct one, but no. I tried enlisting my friends to hack my Hotmail and, through that, to reclaim my Gmail. It isn't working; to be hacked, one of the accounts needs to be physically on at MSN.
I barely even know who hacked me, but whoever it was, they're going to pay.