Best. Day. EVAR!
So this past Saturday, my fiancee, my best friend, her boyfriend, and I went on a trip to New York City. We didn't have much of an agenda. First we went to the zoo, then on the walk back, there was a guy on the corner handing out free Maybelline lip color. My friend and I each grabbed one.
We crossed the street exclaiming how cool that was when lo and behold, there was another man on that corner giving them out. We grabbed two more and marveled at our good fortune, until we reached the next corner and saw yet another man handing them out. We hit him up, then continued on to the next corner, where, you guessed it, there was another man handing them out. By the end of this we each had four free Maybelline lipsticks!
Now, I'm a girl who doesn't wear make-up on a daily basis, but I can't deny the joy of free make-up. It was one of the best experiences in my life! (Right up there with the free beers my friend and I scored for helping some people back out of a parking spot safely at a Counting Crows concert).
Little did we know that wasn't going to be the highlight of our day.
We took the subway down and made our way down Manhattan, through Times Square, Little Italy, and Chinatown. We decided to walk to Ground Zero, since it wasn't too far away. Once we got past LI & C-Town the crowds were almost nonexistent, so we had a good time walking and laughing together. At the intersection of what I believe is York Ave & Lafayette Street, we stepped up onto the curb and noted a crunchy, white substance spread all around the edges of the curb. We were all baffled, but we kept walking down the block.
We stopped to check our map, and that's when we noticed a guy with one of those boom mikes on the corner that was diagonal from us. There was also a cameraman squatting down by a car, and at the corner directly across from us were several people in chairs watching a monitor.
Well, we knew something was up, so we all tried to see if we could recognize anyone. All of a sudden, my friend's boyfriend, who's the tallest, shouts out "It's Matt Damon!" Sure enough, he was right!
Apparently, they were shooting a scene from the new Bourne movie, as we recognized his backpack from the first movies. He was so cute! We had to restrain ourselves from running across the street. We couldn't take pictures because there were movie people keeping an eye on us.
But it was so neat. There wasn't a crowd or anything, it was all low-key, just us and another group of oglers.
So when you watch the Bourne Ultimatum movie, if there's a scene outside the Department of Health in NYC, that's where we were!