Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
I'm a firm believer in fate. The way I see it, we were all born into the world with our lives already planned out for us, even so far as to determine our date of death. I believe that somewhere out there are friends I still have yet to meet, a boyfriend or a girlfriend (who knows what fate has in store?) and that I WILL meet them because it's my destiny, my fate. Things will happen that seem random and co-incidental and other things will happen that were made by me, opening up more paths and oppurtunities in my life. But I believe that's fate as well. For example, when someone was born, it was their fate that they would personally try their hardest to make something happen. It was fate that determined whether that decision was the right one or the wrong one. It was fate that decided that the persons actions would give them a new friend or not. No one has to believe me with this. I believe in it though and I always will.
So, to use a topical example... it was planned Madeleine McCann would be abducted, then raped/killed before she was 5 years old? It's fate that thousands of children and adults die everyday from disease and malnutrition?
Well, that sounds like a pretty good philosophy to me! It was fate that those dirty africans had no money, food or healthcare and therefore died. Why would I need to try and help them out? I'd be fighting destiny!
"Every cloud has a silver lining", "everything happens for a reason" etc is a very good way of maintaing a positive outlook on life - otherwise all the bad stuff that happens will get you down. It doesn't make it true though.
I suppose I do. Why not? I kind of like the idea that maybe everything I do happens for a reason, that I am part of something much larger. Unity. And that there is a plan for me. It makes me feel safe, even when I mess up. Some people may think this is naive of me, to convince myself of these things, but who's to know if I'm wrong? Believing I have a purpose, whether I actually do or not, makes life seem more worth living. This is more important to me than facts and logic and being right.
Well exactly. Its a comforting philosphy - it makes you feel secure. Just like knowing you'll go to heaven, or your loved ones will. Believing in ghosts is the same because it lets you know that there is more to the world then it seems - that certainly doesnt make it more true than believing fairies.