For those ten days, I was working on PPT, getting things fixed up for re-opening. lol
Besides that, coincidentally I was able to get back online just as PPT went down. (For those who don't know, Gwen (my youngest - 4 yrs old) decided to touch my computer when I stepped away from it back in April and filled it with all sorts of nasty viruses and such. Just as we had it mostly set, she did it once more and made it even worse than the first time. My computer is currently still down, so I can't get to my files atm and I'm using Tim's. :/) It was definitely nice to be back because I had a ton of stuff I wanted to talk about with everyone while I was "away", but I couldn't really discuss anything because the majority of the users couldn't access the forum! Oh, the irony! haha
Also, my 2nd daugher, Jasmine, had her 8th birthday on June 11th. That weekend, we had a big cookout at my house with lots of nummies.
That took a lot of preparing and cleaning. haha Her in-school party was on Tuesday because she had a field trip on the Monday, so I spent quite a while getting 24 goodie bags all sorted out. lol Other than that, my oldest three girls are almost done with school, so it's been a busy time. Gwen will start this fall, so I've been working with her to get her ready.
I also tried unsuccessfully to play a bit of WoW. *shakes fist at fps issues* I started playing Pirate King Online and have decided I rather like it.
To fill the last bit of free time I had, I got some good manga books under my belt.
Multi-tasking, ftw! haha