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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:45 am 
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I'm ticked off now.

I went to the pet store, and guess what? Somebody bought one white bird, and not the other. No, I'm not psycho and think that all the colors should be paired together, but how could the person not notice the huge bond between the two white ones? Now, they're split up and the remaining white one (the female) is outcasted by the other birds for some reason, and she's just all alone now. For some reason, the parakeets seem a bit prejudice, for lack of a better word. If blue ones are put in a cage with a green one, all the blue ones will sit on a perch together and won't let the green one join them. :( And I feel sorry for the conour (sp) that's there. He's in a cage all alone, and costs about four hundred dollars, so no one will buy him. He just clings on the bars and cheaps at people.

Anyway, I've totalled up everything I need to buy, and the total (without tax) is 91 dollars. Forty for both birds together, 30 for the cage (I found a new one) and the rest is for various accesories, such as food bowls and mirrors. I'm quite happy with this- as now I won't have to pay as much as I've been expecting to pay. Now I'll just pay a bit over a hundred dollars, where I was expecting to pay around a hundred fifty. :) I have about twenty dollars in my bird fund (yes, I have more than that in non-saved funds, but I have other things to worry about besides birds. :P) and I have decided to buy things one at a time (Example: the cage will be completely furnished before I even consider buying birds- I'll buy the cage first, then the food bowls, then the toys and other accesories). So I will be buying the cage soon. I have also found an area to let them have free time outside of the cage- my bathroom. There's barely anything in there, except for the bathtub (which can be easily plugged), the sink (which can also be easily plugged) and the toilet (which can be easily closed). There's also a mirror, which they might enjoy. :)

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:56 am 
PPT Toddler
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FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS!? theres white one in the cages of our petsmart for twenty dollars! anyways..poor bird =( how could the people that bought it not realize two rare parakeets bonding? :x but i cant be mad cause they might of not of been able to afford the other


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:11 am 
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Fallen wrote:
but i cant be mad cause they might of not of been able to afford the other

Er... parakeets are twenty bucks a piece over in my PetsMart.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:21 am 
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Becareful when you introduce the new birds to the bathroom mirror :P. You might want to try leaving them in the cage for a couple of times when you take them to the bathroom. Eventually leaving the door open for them to decide when they want to go out and explore. Birds can be very easily scared and new environments make them react frightened. If taken out of the cage immediately they might panic and since they aren't aware of what the mirror is fly straight into it. By slowly introducing them to the bathroom mirror when they are in their cage, they might not do that. But yeah, make sure you close the toilet :D. If they do panic and start to fly around just make sure you avoid trying to catch them with your hands, this only tends to make them lear to fear hands. That's something you want to avoid if you'd like your bird to learn to rest on your hands or feed from them in the future. Always use a light towel or blanket to throw on top of them and bring them back to the cage.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:34 am 
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Dawn2 wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:
From what I hear grit is bad. Like,really bad. I did a report on the Green Cheek Conure's diet and they say grit is bad for birds. (I believe all birds,I could be mistaken)

And if you ask me,its best to buy some kind of litter type thing (But a birdie safe version! It can be found at PetsMart,Petco,etc) for their business and just scoop it out like its kitty poo and kitty litter. :P But Pirakeet poo is probably smaller than Green Cheek or Amazon crap so newspaper may work fine. :battar:

Anyway,if you need help with your Pirakeet(s) send me a PM. I have two birds so I do know a little bit. :) Plus my mom used to have one.

I'm not quite sure what exactly grit is. I'm guessing by your post that it's like kitty litter. If so, than is it okay if I just skip out getting the grit or products like it? I truly don't mind if they just poo on the floor of the cage- I know it isn't nessasary, but I plan to change that everyday, anyway. I just want to make sure- I'm a first time bird owner and I really want to do everything right.

Here's the site that I used incase anybody needs to know.

Hmm.. Just to clear up..
The birds will need grit. Unlike us, when the eat their food it goes into their crop before stomach. The grit really helps their digestive system because sometimes birds will not create the correct kind of acid to digest their food properly and it gets stuck in the stomach, or crop, or halfway inbetween.
Also, if the litter thing is anything like kitty litter, don't get it. Newspaper is the best thing I find, if you keep it clean. With the kitty litter type thing, they would probably try to eat it if its anything like I am imaging it. If its small enough for them to get in their beaks they will probably try it.
So, just get the grit. I would really really advise that, people don't really think they need it, then they wonder why there birds are sick and not eating properly. And watch the size of the toys you get. If they have the kind of bird each toy is for, get that toy, don't try to skimp off with a little canary toy or something.
As well, wach the mirror. Sometimes they will fly smack dead into it. So, when you let them fly around, if you do, watch mirrors. Really, my sister had a cokatiel fly into one and it broke its neck.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:55 am 
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Jen wrote:
Hmm.. Just to clear up..
The birds will need grit. Unlike us, when the eat their food it goes into their crop before stomach. The grit really helps their digestive system because sometimes birds will not create the correct kind of acid to digest their food properly and it gets stuck in the stomach, or crop, or halfway inbetween.
Also, if the litter thing is anything like kitty litter, don't get it. Newspaper is the best thing I find, if you keep it clean. With the kitty litter type thing, they would probably try to eat it if its anything like I am imaging it. If its small enough for them to get in their beaks they will probably try it.
So, just get the grit. I would really really advise that, people don't really think they need it, then they wonder why there birds are sick and not eating properly.

*applaudes Jen*

If I hadn't read Jens post, I was gonna start killing you guys for saying grit was bad. :oops: Grit helps the birds for getting sick, it doesn't make them sick.

Mirrors are okay, but just miniature sized ones...some birds hurt themselves by flying into poor little Mikey did that dozens of times.

I was wondering if you're getting parakeets that have their wings clipped. They're good to start with if you haven't had one before. (And no, it doesn't hurt them if the clipping is done carefully, the only way they're hurt by it is if the person who's clipping the wings goes to far and cuts the feathers with marrow in them, and that rarely happens, breeders are very careful of that now. :) )

Image Thanksies Dawn, sorry I didn't see it before. ^___^

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:00 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Dawn2 wrote:
I'm ticked off now.

I went to the pet store, and guess what? Somebody bought one white bird, and not the other. No, I'm not psycho and think that all the colors should be paired together, but how could the person not notice the huge bond between the two white ones? Now, they're split up and the remaining white one (the female) is outcasted by the other birds for some reason, and she's just all alone now. For some reason, the parakeets seem a bit prejudice, for lack of a better word. If blue ones are put in a cage with a green one, all the blue ones will sit on a perch together and won't let the green one join them. :( And I feel sorry for the conour (sp) that's there. He's in a cage all alone, and costs about four hundred dollars, so no one will buy him. He just clings on the bars and cheaps at people.

Anyway, I've totalled up everything I need to buy, and the total (without tax) is 91 dollars. Forty for both birds together, 30 for the cage (I found a new one) and the rest is for various accesories, such as food bowls and mirrors. I'm quite happy with this- as now I won't have to pay as much as I've been expecting to pay. Now I'll just pay a bit over a hundred dollars, where I was expecting to pay around a hundred fifty. :) I have about twenty dollars in my bird fund (yes, I have more than that in non-saved funds, but I have other things to worry about besides birds. :P) and I have decided to buy things one at a time (Example: the cage will be completely furnished before I even consider buying birds- I'll buy the cage first, then the food bowls, then the toys and other accesories). So I will be buying the cage soon. I have also found an area to let them have free time outside of the cage- my bathroom. There's barely anything in there, except for the bathtub (which can be easily plugged), the sink (which can also be easily plugged) and the toilet (which can be easily closed). There's also a mirror, which they might enjoy. :)

Awwww,that is really mean. Poor baby girl. :(

I feel bad for the $400 bird too...did you mean conure,by the way? Jade (our green cheekie) costed about that much.

Thats a smart way to do things,by the way. :)


I've been calling them Pirakeets all this time,havent I?


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:05 am 
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Kitten Medli wrote:
I've been calling them Pirakeets all this time,havent I?

Yep. Reminds me of a cross between a Pokémon and a pirate. :P

Image Thanksies Dawn, sorry I didn't see it before. ^___^

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:10 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Kristina wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:
I've been calling them Pirakeets all this time,havent I?

Yep. Reminds me of a cross between a Pokémon and a pirate. :P

I think its a petpet too..

Heh. I didnt know grit was good for them..hmm..I really dont know what to believe now. :roflol: I'll just sit in the middle,I'm not willing to find out. :battar:





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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:50 am 
Beyond Godly
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400 is a lot.

My cage did cost 30 dollars...
But at most places the parakeets cost 6 dollars each. And trust me, they live longer than a day :P

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:37 pm 
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Shifty wrote:
400 is a lot.

My cage did cost 30 dollars...
But at most places the parakeets cost 6 dollars each. And trust me, they live longer than a day :P

Oh, yes- I know. :P

But for my first birds, I only want to buy them from a place I trust to give me good animals. PetsMart is the only one I trust in this area. We have two others store- PasPets (which I don't like because they keep their dogs in tiny cages, with only food and water- no toys. And they don't even have a solid floor- just bars on the bottom. So the dogs slip alot. And none of their animals ever seem happy) and PetCo (imagine everything that could go wrong in one store. I know not all PetCo's are like this, but the one in my area is. For me, PetCo is a PetNo).

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