theonlysaneone wrote:
Fiddelysquat wrote:
Even the most well-intentioned people make extra allowance for someone who is attractive. Look at the statistics. Skinnier, prettier people are more likely to get hired, receive roadside assistance, get help carrying their groceries... Everything.
I catch flack from my friends because they consider me "too picky". We met some guy while we were out and I talked to him for a bit. He was good-looking, but if I were his mother I'd never leave him unsupervised for fear that he'd stick a fork in an electrical outlet or drown in a bucket. He was unbelievably ignorant and dumb. Ah, yes, it's such a mystery why I gave him the number to the local pizza place when he asked for mine. It's not exactly endearing to brag about the size of your male attributes 10 minutes into your first conversation with someone.
Wow, I don't think I've ever met anyone that self-absorbed.
Yeah, well.
For what it's worth, the pizza was delicious, so thanks Fidds!
Oh, look, a bucket.....*bubbleglorpthrash*