It seems to be a 'fancy party' that many chocolate items, colours, and petpets are relased for. It's on the 15th of September every year. I have seen a few articles, Neopian times stories, spotlights, and art gallery stuff based on the chocolate ball that week. But that's about it. Not really that important... more like one of the 'Back to School!' or 'Poogle Day!' type theme days. I don't think there is even a page that you could participate in the ball at... more like just an average Neopian holiday.
I wasn't extremely familiar with it either, so I googled past chocolate ball news pages. Here they are if you're curious, although these do get repetitive.
2003 News:
"As many pets all over Neopia decide what they are going to wear to the ball tonight we can give you a sneak peek at some of the delicious new chocolates that are going to be unveiled at the Chocolate Factory
2004 News:
"Every year the Chocolate Factory plays host to one of the most exclusive events in Neopia. Only the most influential Neopians are invited to dine within the mysterious factory walls. Each event is slightly different, but whatever the year you can guarantee there will be many splendid outfits and delicious chocolates on display..."
2005 News:
"The swankiest date in the Neopian calendar is here. The rich and famous from all of Neopia have gathered at the Chocolate Factory to experience the unveiling of some of the most luxurious chocolates around."
2006 News:
"OUCH! It looks like someone couldn't wait to eat some chocolate. If you are brave, and lucky, maybe your Usul will be painted Chocolate for the Chocolate Ball!"