Hey, whatta ya know, early update time! And I just finished my Health Class project, so I'm super happy!
Round Thirteen Start!Ooh, unlucky round...
Round Twelve shall be called the Store Round, because everyone spent all their Kill Points! (except Wind)

Pickles and
Tyma bought a
Doubler, so now they will both hit for
4 damage and heal for
2 health. Because of their greatness and so I don't forget, they will now be listed as
Superpickles and
Supertyma. Too bad
Siouxper didn't buy one, then he'd be
Penguin bought an
Alliance Slip and allied with
Ammer and
Supertyma. None of these three people may Hit or use offensive items on one another until the start of Round Twenty, or possibly before that if everyone else somehow dies before then, which is rather unlikely...
Random Events:A
Drain Life Potion goes to
Group Damage seem to be very common... This one goes to my dice's favorite target,
Right after
HER great Doubler thingy,
Superpickles gets
Weakness for 3 rounds, overriding
HER Lifesteal. Ouch. Since
HER actions are doubled, though,
SHE will hit for 2 damage instead of the usual 1.
(Allied with Penguin and Supertyma) -
26 HP -
Weak Healing Potion, Group Damage, Group Damage, Drain Life Potion, Shockwave, Thyora's Tear, Thyora's Tear, SuperstealSuperpickles -
27 HP -
Weak Healing Potion, Wet Snowball, Group Heal, Thyora's Tear, Bag of Healing Dust Status: Weakness (3)Typhoon -
Killed by Pickles in Round 6Ella -
Killed by Pickles in Round 11Siouxper -
25 HP -
Weak Healing Potion, Weak Healing Potion, Wet Snowball, Drain Life Potion, Resurrection, SuperstealPenguin
(Allied with Ammer and Supertyma) -
24 HP -
Weak Healing PotionWind -
22 HP -
Weak Healing Potion, Wet Snowball, Celestial Hammer Kill Points: 1Supertyma
(Allied with Ammer and Penguin)-
21 HP -
Weak Healing Potion, Standard Healing Potion, Group DamageDM was on Fire! -
Killed by Tyma in Round 9