27th and 28th October
* The newest issue of the Neopian Times has been released! Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like Don't Eat That Candy!! and Neopian Urban Legend.
* Show your friends how much you love the game Whirlpool with these new Buddy Icons.
* This week's Neoadventure Spotlight goes to hanlb for Sloth's Secret Hobby.
"You sulk for a while. Not exactly a mature decision, but you're a very young Lupe, so it's too bad. Now that Sam is gone, you had better find something else to do, hadn't you? So what do you do...?"
* These fun whirlpool shaped candies from the Chocolate Factory are a fun treat.
* The Random Contest from last week is continuing! Good luck to all the entrants.
* If you want a chance to have your videos viewed by others on Neopets why not submit them?
* The Bubblebee can now be changed into these fun colours at the Petpet Puddle.
* The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin! Head on over and vote for your favourite.
* Why not remember this game with a Background?
* Are you quick enough to beat luberoon, this week's Faerie Caves Spotlight winner?
* Time to study up, drop by the Book Shop for these new books!
* We have a new sponsor game for you to play called Froot Loops(tm) Treasure Map Hunt.