20th November
* Make sure you don't forget to decorate your garden for the holidays with some wonderful items from the Garden Centre.
* If you are in the neighborhood you might stop by the Poetry Gallery, there are new Neopets themed poems for you to read.
* Wouldn't it be fun to dress up as a Gobbler for your harvest festival? Just make sure you don't end up in the main course.
* wolfpack120 should be rather pleased with themselves. Their course - FRUSTRATER has just earned them this week's Minigolf Spotlight award.
* Make sure you remember to send your family and friends harvest-themed Greetings!
* Congratulations go out to LordBlumiere and _Crimson_! Each has proven spiffier than the rest in the Customisation Spotlight. Voting for this week's contest has begun. Good luck to this week's entrants!
* A new Story Telling has started!
Shari squinted and tried to adjust her goggles with one hand as she attempted to keep her balance. The Usul was speeding down the mountain, feeling the smooth snow slipping quickly under her skis and the wind blowing coolly in her face. This was only her second attempt at the Usul Skiing Championships, but she already enjoyed the rush of speed, the fire of competition, and the pure fun of sliding down a mountain at full velocity with her friends.
* Why not test your wit with this new Caption Contest?
* the Pet Spotlight award of the week has been given to an Aisha called _Maddy__.
* The Food Shop has some rather tasty looking harvest food for sale.
* Can you get some good pictures in our latest sponsor game Build-A-Bear Workshop® Papparazzi?