Posts: 602 Joined: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:35 am Location: Princess Consuela Bananahammock Gender:
That was... fun. I was figuring that someone in the 'cleared' circle was bad. lol. Too bad you didn't claim Martyr Hansy.. would've been fun watching your entire team go down in a flaming ball of fire.
But eh.. this was one of those games where I didn't feel the need to role trade with everyone. lol.
Posts: 3727 Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:12 am Location: Lurking Gender:
Cult wrote:
Lunatic Cult Leader Alignment: Evil
People laughed at you when you claimed the world would end at the hands of some raving lunatic with a knife…well you’ll show them…
Three times during the game, you may convert a player to your team. To do so, submit a list of five names as well as which Cult Status you wish to bestow on them (see below). The conversion will occur as soon as I receive the mail instructing me to convert one player. Certain roles cannot be converted, if you attempt to convert one, I will move to the next person on the list. By opting to convert a player, however, you waive the ability to kill during that day/night cycle. You may convert a maximum of two players per day.
There are two possible conversion methods you can use
A) Once during the game, you may convert a “Lunatic Cult Assistant.”
B) Twice during the game, you may convert a “Lunatic Cult Follower”
A Lunatic Cult Assistant will retain their previous role and have the ability to use any unused kill or converts remaining.
A Lunatic Cult Follower will lose their previous role and effectively become a plain innocent except they will be an Evil member of the Cult. They will not be able to use any kills or converts the cult has.
The cult must have an alive Leader or Assistant in order to receive the Secret Powers of the people it kills.
You have five knives which you can use to kill people at any stage throughout the day or night. To kill somebody, submit a list of five players. The closest to the top that is still alive when I receive the instruction will be attacked. If the attack fails because of a shield, the next player on the list will be targeted with a 50% less chance of success. If that fails, the next player will be targeted with a 50% less chance than previously etc If the attack fails for any reason other than a shield, or all five attacks fail, you will receive your knife back. However, you will not be able to attempt to kill again during that cycle. If you choose to convert somebody, you cannot kill somebody on the same day. You may use a maximum of three knives per day.
Once during the game, you may protect yourself and your Cult Assistant from any action throughout the day or night. By doing so, you cannot kill or convert a player.
The Cult Leader receives a bonus 50% Silver Shield. Cult Assistants receive a bonus 20% Green Shield Cult Followers receive a bonus 10% Red Shield
Poisoner wrote:
Malicious Poisoner Alignment: Evil
Some men just can’t hold their arsenic…
Each night, you may plant poison on somebody. The poison will be planted at the beginning of the night and last until the end of night. Depending on who you poison and who targets your victim, certain things may occur.
If you plant the poison on another player…
…and nobody targets that player during the night, then the player you planted the poison on will be affected.
…and somebody(s) targets that player during the night, then all those who targeted the player will be affected. Your original target will not be affected.
If you plant the poison on yourself…
…and nobody targets you during the night, then you will be unable to use any role powers or secret powers the next day/night.
…and somebody(s) targets you, then all those who target you will be affected. You will not be affected
Poisoning somebody will kill them, unless prevented by other means.
2. You begin the game with twoSilver Shields (40%) in addition to any other shield you have.
Werewolf wrote:
Werewolf Alignment : Evil Team : Anoohilator, Ammer, DM was on fire
Years from now, you’ll look back at this game and say “Man it was cool when I was a wolf” and people around you will say “You were a wolf?”
The following role powers belong to the team as a whole. Anybody can elect to use them at any stage throughout the game.
Each night, the wolves may maul one player. To select a player, have a member of the wolves submit a list of five names to me before the end of the night. When it is their turn to act, the closest person to the top of the list will be attacked. Should an attack fail because of a shield, the next person on the list will be attacked, but the attack will have 50% less chance of succeeding than the previous attack. Should more than one list be submitted by the werewolves, the most recent list will be used. Whoever submitted the list will be considered the person who carried out the attack.
Once during the game the Werewolves may kill one player during the day. This attack will take place the moment I receive the message requesting the player be killed. To attack somebody, submit a list of three people that is clearly marked to be a day kill list. Should an attack fail for whatever reason, the next person on the list will be attacked instead. Should all three attacks fail, the Werewolves will lose this ability as if it had been successful.
Once during the game, the Werewolves may choose to defend themselves instead of attacking. You will not be able to use your daykill abilities, or be able to kill somebody at night – but nobody in the Werewolf team will be able to die from the time of request to the end of the cycle. You may request this in advance (IE: “Please use our protection from the start of tomorrow” etc)
All werewolves begin with an extra 20% Green shield in addition to their own
Frozen Spirit wrote:
You have been inhabited by the Frozen Spirit
The Frozen Spirit is not a role, per se, but a temporary addition to your current role. The Spirit will inhabit you until the end of tonight.
Whilst inhabited by the Frozen Spirit, you are bound by the following rules.
1. You may not vote
2. You may not use any role powers or secret powers. (NB: This does not stop any team from killing, provided the holder of the Frozen Spirit does not submit the list and another teammate is willing and able to submit a list in their place)
3. You are unable to be killed. If somebody attempts to kill you, they will fail their attempt.
4. If whoever is executed had a secret power, you will receive it.
5. If you wish to, you may attempt to guess who you think The Prize is. The Prize does not know that he or she is The Prize. If you correctly guess, then you will receive one resurrection. The Prize will receive one full cycle’s protection (they will not be told they have this protection). To guess, submit a list of five names. The closest to the top that is still alive at the end of the night will be guessed. If correct, the benefits will be distributed immediately in the morning. You may guess yourself if you desire. However, if you are, you will have to choose which reward you receive.
6. If you wish to, you may select the next person to receive The Frozen Spirit. To do so, submit a list of five names. The closest to the top that is still alive at the end of night will receive The Frozen Spirit the next day. If you do not submit a list, somebody will be randomly selected. You may not select yourself.
Heir wrote:
Heir Alignment: Innocent?
You will inherit the role of the first person to die.
If you are the first person to die, you will be a plain innocent for all intent’s purposes.
Beloved Prince wrote:
Beloved Prince Alignment: Innocent
The role formerly known as…
1. When you die, whoever was responsible for your death will be so grief-stricken that one of several things may happen
If executed, whoever cast the vote that caused a majority to form will be so upset that they will commit suicide.
If you are killed by an innocent player’s role or power, they will commit suicide.
If you are killed by an evil player’s role or power, they will be unable to use their role powers and secret powers during the next day. Additionally, if they are on a team, their teammates will be unable to use any team powers during the next cycle
Bus Driver wrote:
Bus Driver Alignment: Innocent
Hail to you, you, you – Hail to you, yo-oooou (wo)man
Each day, you must submit two lists. One titled List A, one titled List B. Each list should have at least three people in them and no player should appear in both lists.
At the start of night, the person closest to the top of each list that is still alive will become your passengers (herein referred to as “Person A” and “Person B”)
Any action that occurs to Person A during the night will occur to Person B instead. Likewise, any action that occurs to Person B during the night will instead occur to Person A
You may not place yourself on either list (I mean, the bus driver couldn’t be a passenger. Then nobody would be driving the bus….except maybe Keanu Reeves.)
Cherub 1 wrote:
Cherub Alignment: Innocent
Awww, your one of those cute little baby angel thingymebobs. How sweet…
Each night, you may select somebody to dream about. To do so, submit a list of five players. The closest to the top of the list that is still alive at the end of night will be dreamt of.
Your dream will tell you whether or not the player is a Non-Werewolf Villain.
You will receive either “Player X is a non-Werewolf Villain” or “Player X is not a non-Werewolf villain.”
Once during the game, you may dream to see if a Player is innocent or evil. You will receive either “Player Y is evil” or “Player Y is not evil.”
You may not dream of yourself (because that’d just be silly…)
You begin the game with a bonus Silver Shield (40%)
Cherub 2 wrote:
Cherub Alignment: Innocent
Awww, your one of those cute little baby angel thingymebobs. How sweet…
Each night, you may select somebody to dream about. To do so, submit a list of five players. The closest to the top of the list that is still alive at the end of night will be dreamt of.
Your dream will tell you whether or not the player is a Werewolf.
You will receive either “Player X is a Werewolf” or “Player X is not a Werewolf.”
Once during the game, you may dream to see if a Player is innocent or evil. You will receive either “Player Y is evil” or “Player Y is not evil.”
You may not dream of yourself (because that’d just be silly…)
You begin the game with a bonus Silver Shield (40%)
Commuter 1 wrote:
Commuter Alignment: Innocent
Wait, if the doors are locked, how do you commute?
On odd days and nights, you leave the mansion (Note- Originally when I wrote these roles, it was going to be in a cliched mansion and take the mickey out of cliches, rather than a museum. During this time, you cannot vote or be executed.
Additionally, if your name is on anybody’s list for that time, it will be removed, bypassing you and moving to the next person down.
Commuter 2 wrote:
Commuter Alignment: Innocent
Wait, if the doors are locked, how do you commute?
On even days and nights, you leave the mansion. During this time, you cannot vote or be executed.
Additionally, if your name is on anybody’s list for that time, it will be removed, bypassing you and moving to the next person down.
Flip-Flopper wrote:
Flip Flopper Alignment: Innocent
Your job as Flip Flopper is to Flip Flop the Flip Floppees.
Each day, you must submit two lists. One titled List A, one titled List B. Each list should have at least three people in them and no player should appear in both lists.
At the start of night, the person closest to the top of each list that is still alive will become your Flip Floppees (herein referred to as “Person A” and “Person B” because the alternative is just silly )
Any action that occurs to Person A during the night will occur to Person B instead. Likewise, any action that occurs to Person B during the night will instead occur to Person A
You may not place yourself on either list
Glass Mason wrote:
Glass Mason Alignment: Innocent Teammate: Christopher
With your natural talent at cutting glass to your exact specifications, you could have been a jewel thief or broken into a bank. Instead, you make shields. …yeah…great career choice there…
1. You and Christopher are both masons. Both of you are innocents. As such, neither of you can target eachother through any means (including voting).
2. If Christopher (or any other player with the Stone Mason role) dies, you will gain a single bullet which you may use to attempt to avenge their death. To use the bullet, submit a list of five names. The closest to the top that is still alive when I receive your PM will be shot.
If a kill attempt fails due to a shield, I will move to the next player on the list. However, the kill will have a 50% less chance of succeeding than the shot prior to it.
If a kill attempt fails due to other means, or all five attempts fail, you will lose your bullet and be unable to reuse the ability.
You and your partner mason will receive a maximum of one bullet only.
3. Three times during the game, you may construct a Blue Shield (50%) for a player. It will be in addition to any other shield the player has. You may not create more than one shield per cycle. The shield will be created the moment I receive the order requesting a shield be made. Once a shield has been created, you cannot undo it. You may not create a shield for yourself or the Stone Mason.
Governor wrote:
Governor Alignment: Innocent
’Ello Guv- *gets punched in the face for using such a terrible, obvious joke*
If a voting majority is not reached, the person you voted for will be executed.
If you do not vote and a majority is not reached, no execution will occur.
After your death, if a majority is not reached, no execution will occur.
You cannot be executed
Twice during the game, you may choose to stop execution. To do so, PM me asking that execution not occur. Once your decision has been made, it is final.
Half-Cat Alignment: Innocent
Well at least your not a cat(girl/boy – take your pick). They’re just weird…
Your mother was Halle Berry and your father was Bast’s half-brother or something. I’m fairly sure there was something about a cousin in there too, but suffice to say you’re one third cat.
…wait, one third? How does that happen?
Irrespective of faulty genetics, you have three lives. Well, actually two. You lost the first one after watching a stuntperson jump a canyon. Yeah…you should probably pick better role models to imitate.
Long story short, you’ve got two lives. Hooray!
(You will not be informed when you lose a life)
Note: Was originally not a role, but needed one more role in the game and thought this was better than a Plain Innocent...slightly...
Healer wrote:
Healer Alignment: Innocent
You are the purest being of good. That’s it. Nothing funny here…
Each night, you may select a player to protect overnight. This player cannot be yourself. To select a player, submit a list of five names. The closest to the top that is still alive at the beginning of night will be protected by you.
A protected player cannot die of any means throughout the night.
You may not protect yourself.
If you wish, you may choose to protect two people in one night. However, you will be unable to protect anybody during the next night.
You may not protect yourself.
You begin with a Shield of (hard to read on a gray background) Light. It will protect you from death for the first three days and nights.
Magistrate wrote:
Magistrate Alignment: Innocent
Far better than the Magicurved, or Magiriver or Magicrity or Magiroyalflush…I could go on for hours…
Each day you may choose somebody to place in Protective Custody. To do so, submit a list of five names the night prior. The closest to the top that is still alive at the start of the next day will be placed in Protective Custody during the next day
Whilst in protective custody (*gasp* No capitals!), the player is subject to the following rules:
They cannot vote or be voted for
They cannot use any role power or secret power
They cannot be killed
The player is released from Protective Custody at the end of the day (and are therefore free during the night)
You may not place yourself in Protective Custody
Martyr wrote:
Martyr Alignment: Innocent
This subject is far too touchy to make jokes about it seems. If you want, you can come up with a politically incorrect one that is inappropriate for the forums and imagine it was placed here.
1. Each night, you may choose to put your life on the line and protect another player. To do so, submit a list of five names. The closest to the top that is still alive at the start of the night will be protected by you.
If anybody targets that player in an attempt to kill them, you will die instead. No protection on you (including shields) will prevent you from dying in this instance.
If anybody targets you in an attempt to kill you (provided you are protecting another player), you will not be able to die (during that night).
You may not protect yourself.
Night Watchman wrote:
Night Watchman Alignment: Innocent
Ayup…watching the night…that’s a paddling…
Each night, you may choose to watch over somebody. You may choose two methods of watching over them.
A) Stun Gun:- If anybody targets who you are watching over, you will stun them before they can take action. They will fail to do whatever they were attempting to do.
B) Gun Gun:- If anybody targets who you are watching over, you will shoot them after they take action. You can only successfully kill one person. After somebody has died at your hands, you lose this option of watching over them. If, however, your attack fails for any reason, you are able to reuse this.
If a player targets themselves overnight while you are watching over them, you will not affect them.
Please note that all roles (from attackers, to healers, to dreamers etc) are able to be hit with your weapons. However, you may only stun or shoot one person per night. If more than one player targets a player, you will only affect the first player.
Pixie wrote:
Pixie Alignment: Innocent
*snigger* Nyah nyah! You’re a pixie!
Each night you may select one action from the below list
Double a player’s role powers and secret powers during the next day/night cycle. To do so, submit a list of five players. The closest to the top that is still alive at the end of the night will have their role powers and secret powers doubled during the next day/night cycle.
Block a player from using the role powers and secret powers during the next day/night cycle. To do so, submit a list of five players. The closest to the top that is still alive at the end of the night will have their role powers and secret powers doubled during the next day/night cycle.
Halve somebody’s shield (maximum loss of 30 points)
Double somebody’s shield or add 50 points to somebody’s shield (whichever is lower)
Allow somebody to vote two times the next day
You may not target any one player twice in a row. You may not use the same ability twice in a row. You may not target yourself.
Once during the game, you may forgo using your first ability (1. on the role sheet) in order to protect yourself from death until the end of the day/night cycle. This protection will take place from the moment you request it till the end of night.
The Pixie begins with a bonus Gold (60%) shield.
Stone Mason wrote:
Stone Mason Alignment: Innocent Teammate: o_0
You build arches and whatnot. Thanks to Dan Brown and cheap knockoffs of Dan Brown, that practically equates to you holding a secret that could destroy the world…or something…
1. You and o_0 are both masons. Both of you are innocents. As such, neither of you can target eachother through any means (including voting).
2. If o_0 (or any other player with the Glass Mason role) dies, you will gain a single bullet which you may use to attempt to avenge their death. To use the bullet, submit a list of five names. The closest to the top that is still alive when I receive your PM will be shot.
If a kill attempt fails due to a shield, I will move to the next player on the list. However, the kill will have a 50% less chance of succeeding than the shot prior to it.
If a kill attempt fails due to other means, or all five attempts fail, you will lose your bullet and be unable to reuse the ability.
You and your partner mason will receive a maximum of one bullet only.
3. Three times during the game, you may construct a Stone Shield for a player. A stone shield will block one attack fully and will be attacked before any shields or other protection methods. This stone shield will be created the moment I receive the request to create one and will last until the end of that day/night cycle. You may not create more than one shield per cycle. Once a shield has been created, you cannot undo it. You may not create a shield for yourself or the Glass Mason.
Vigilante Major wrote:
Vigilante Major Alignment: Innocent
You’re like…majorly vigilante like…and stuff…
Twice during the game you may attempt to kill somebody with your rifle. To do so, submit a list of five names, the closest to the top that is still alive when I receive your PM will be shot immediately.
If your shot fails because of a shield, the next person down the list will be selected. However, the attack will have 50% less chance of succeeding.
If your shot fails because of any other means, or all five shots fail, you will lose that attempt to kill somebody.
When you die, the Vigilante Minor will receive any unused bullets you have remaining.
You are unable to kill the Vigilante Minor.
Vigilante Minor wrote:
Vigilante Minor Alignment: Innocent
No alcohol for you, you’re a minor (buh dum dum psssh!) …
When the Vigilante Major dies, you will receive any of their unused bullets.
If the Vigilante attempts to kill you, you will not be affected (due to some mystical voodoo power that protects you from his bullets…or something…)
Secret Powers
If you wish to, you may submit two lists of five players each. No person should appear on both lists. The closest player to the top of the first list at the end of the night will receive the following mail.
I know who you are. I know what you did. If you do not target <Player X> (where Player X is the highest alive member of List B) with a role ability or secret power at some stage today, I will reveal your little secret (and your role). If you are physically unable to target <Player X>, you must vote for them. If you are physically unable to target <Player X> or vote for them, you’re out of luck
If you do not comply, do not expect your role to remain secret for long.
Yours truly.
If the player does not comply by either targeting the player with any role ability or power they possess, or voting for them if they are unable, their role will be revealed on thread.
You may use this Secret Power once.
Shield Swap
Once during the game you may swap your current shield with another player’s. To do so, submit a list of three or more names. The closest to the top that is still alive when I receive your PM will immediate have their shield swapped with yours.
Power Outage
Once during the game, you may use this Secret Power to destroy one of another Player’s Secret Powers. To do so, submit a list of three or more names. The closest to the top that is still alive at the time I receive your request will have one of their Secret Powers destroyed (if they have one). If they have more than one, I will randomly select one to destroy.
Last Laugh
You may use this power once. If you activate it, and are killed that night, the player that killed you will be unable to use their role or secret powers during the next day/night cycle. To active this power, PM me asking for the power to be activated. Once activated, the choice cannot be revoked.
Role Reveal
Once during the game, you may use this power to reveal a role on thread. However, the name of the person whose role it is will not be revealed. To activate this power, PM me asking that it be activated. I will randomly select a role and reveal it on thread.
As many times as you want throughout the game (but only once per night), you may choose to scatter glass around the mansion. To do so, PM me before night with the request to scatter glass and which colour you would like the glass to be. The glass will be mentioned in the night scene, as if it were a shield’s glass.
This power is never considered used.
If you wish, you may choose one player at any stage during the game. When that player dies, you will erase all traces of what their role was. As a result, that player’s alignment and role will not be revealed upon their deaths.
Then after a tragic choice and a story about the stars, you’ll neuralize yourself so you can’t remember what the person’s role was (IE: Nobody will know what their role is until the end of the game, not even you)
Your choice is final. This power is not considered used until the player selected dies.
If you wish, you may choose one player at any stage during the game. When that player dies, you will steal all traces of what their role was. As a result, that’s player’s alignment and role will not be revealed upon their deaths.
Upon your death, however, your role will not be revealed. Instead, their role and alignment will be revealed as if it were yours.
You will not be told what the player’s role was until you die. This power is not considered used until the selected player dies.
Magic Hat
Once during the game, you may pull a rabbit from a hat and let it frolic around somebody. To do so, send me a PM requesting you pull a rabbit from your hat as well as a list of five players. The closest player to the top of the list that is still alive when it is execution time will be so distracted by the *ahem* “cute wee bunny wabbit” that their vote will not count.
This power is not considered used till after the execution
Conversion Protection
Once during the game you may select a player (you may choose yourself) to be protected from conversions. Any attempt to convert that person will fail. This takes place immediately (IE: As soon as I receive your request) The power is considered used as soon as I receive the PM requesting its usage.
Vampire Bat
I felt bad for not including a Vampire Role like I have done for all my past games, so I included a Vampire Bat Secret Power.
It does nothing but look cool and scary.
Shield Check
Five times during the game, you may use this Secret Power to check the shield of a player other than yourself. To do so, PM me a list of three or more names. The player closest to the top of the list that is still alive when I receive the PM will have their shield checked. I will immediately reply to you with how high their shield is.
Power Pilferer
Once during the game, you may use this Secret Power to steal another player’s secret power.
If the player does not have a power, this power is still considered used.
If the player has more than one power, I will randomly select one of their powers and give it to you.
The player will not be informed who stole their power.
Posts: 755 Joined: Fri May 06, 2005 9:08 am Location: MB, Canada State: Solid State: Denial State: Gekko Gender:
Typhoon wrote:
the_dog_god wrote:
Note: Was originally not a role, but needed one more role in the game and thought this was better than a Plain Innocent...slightly...
Lucky me. <_<
I Selfish Healers. Really, I've seen them a bit and have used them. People should get used to them, more than one life does not always mean evil I pointed this out when it came up, but they didn't believe me .
And Tanner, your quote tags need " 's around the 'the_dog_god' part .
Still seems better than the Commuter. Neither of our roles could actually do anything, but the fact that I couldn't vote every other cycle really cut down on my usefullness.
Still seems better than the Commuter. Neither of our roles could actually do anything, but the fact that I couldn't vote every other cycle really cut down on my usefullness.
Well, I had the Frozen Spirit almost every other night, so.
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