Alex wrote:
I understand the BD'ers wanting a battle, which would be fine (although my pets suck and I have no intention of battling), I just would love to see a balanced plot, where the non-battlers can do something too - something useful, where you can get the same kinds of rewards. I think in theory, CoM was planned with good intentions, where we could do either/or, but not both, but it was poorly executed, with the ranks, as well as the things for supporters to do. I would have no problem with a plot designed like that, as long as it was done well.
Although, I guess that would pose problems for those who want to do both :/
I hope this is a good combination puzzle/battle plot, but with the emphasis on battle this time(since we've had combination plots with the emphasis on puzzles most recently). This is just an idea I lifted from Kingdom of Loathing, but perhaps Neopets could make it so battles are affected by the supporter puzzles you've solved(if you assembled a laser cannon every win against a starting opponent is worth double points, if you built fortifications around your encampment then the Mechanical Skeiths do 10% less damage against you, et cetera). The puzzles would still be worth points in and of themselves, but they would make battling much more interesting.
"Oh, better far to live and die/Under the brave black flag I fly/Than play a sanctimonious part/With a pirate head and a pirate heart."