Byakuya San wrote:
Anyone want to give me some advice? I have about 2 million NP to spend, but I'd prefer not to have to fork over more than 1.5 for anything.
Species: Kacheek
Health: 77 / 54
Strength: EXCELLENT (41)
Defence: GREAT (30)
Move: lightning
Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (155)
Blue Scorchstone
Stone Club
Ramtors Spellbook
Leaf Shield
Night Vision
Magic Berries
Tough Skin
Magic Torch
Air Shield
Sun Ray
Magic Pebbles
Fiery Gaze
Smoke Screen
Fiery Roar
Hmm, don't normally do this, but what the hell, here goes nothing
Best advice i think atm is to train. Get the 55 boosts, and then head for the 85.
First priority would be to train str to the 55 boost, and either ditch defence, or train it in keeping. Codestones are fast but expensive, dubloons are much slower but also cheaper. I'm training with dubloons, currently at lvl 38, hp 76, str 76, def 71. Movement, dont bother with it tbh. Also train level to 30 to ensure you can get the top faerie abilities (noticably missing is Sink - uses Dark Faeries, req level 30... check on IDB: ... eabilities)
Weapons are ok atm. I've survived with dual Scarab Rings, Greater Healing Scroll, Leaf Shield, Downsize!, and an Ancient Lupe Wand (100% Species Specific Freezer), and managed to rack up 160 and 100 kills so far on the 8 and 10 dif opponents, 22 kills on the 35, 1 on the 66 (dont fancy risking my ALW), but none on Riilan.
Consider upgrading the Scorchstone (30hp) to a Greater Healing Scroll (50hp). Look into finding a % freezer such as Snowglobe Staff (vastly overpriced at the moment) or one of the higher frost cannons for when the battles get tougher. Or use Fiery Gaze / Diamond Dust on first round, if it doesnt freeze, withdraw and heal up (I recommend maxing on hardest opponents first, use the easier ones to heal up while you can).
As your health gets higher (>100 ish), you may want to consider a Kacheek Life Potion (providing you stay a Kacheek), but its not worth it at your current health.
Keep the Leaf Shield, or maybe consider getting Shiny Shoal Shell Shield or Patched Magic Hat to swap in for it, depending on opponent. If you want to take on Riilan, maybe a few Thick Smoke Bombs?
Ramtors Spellbook and Stone Club are good, maybe grab a Scarab Ring for dual duty (nice against the 2nd wave opponents who have some mass fire attacks). Weapons upgrades arent really my speciality, maybe another Spellbook, or a Golden Compass? Dont take me at my word though. If you are having problems as opponents get tougher, maybe grab some muffins to use with Fierce / Jump and Attack when they are frozen. Or grab a Honey Potion (again, massively inflated). Don't know how quickly you earn NP, but the next step up from the Spellbook would be Wand of Reality / Bow Of Destiny.
In terms of abilities, must haves are Burrow and Sink. Fiery Gaze is useful, also consider Diamond Dust (think it has a higher chance). Restore / Healing Vapour are worth getting, whichever requires less Faeries. I'd go with Healing Vapour as you get Quench on the way (again useful against the Rainbow Clockwork Grundos of the 2nd wave).
Hmm, that looks like everything for now. Also try posting on the idb forums: you'll get some far better advice :