Alex wrote:
Chass, has anybody told you lately that you're weird?
Because just in case they haven't, I'd like to remind you.
Incidentally, you'd get along well with my best friend from uni. She appears to be as clumsy as you. This is the friend who sprained her ankle and they went to get it looked at. It seemed fine, but they sent her for an x-ray. While walking into the x-ray clinic, she tripped up the steps. Said ankle? Was now broken. At least she didn't have to arrange another x-ray appointment.
She also has a rather inconveniently placed fire extinguisher that's located a few metres away from her room. It is common for her to message me informing me, "I just ran into the ******* fire extinguisher again!" late at night.
Every damn day.
And the fire extinguisher reminds me. Some months back we got this small table and my dad put it in our hallway about two and a half feet from my bedroom door, where I have to walk past it to get to the bathroom. I knew right away that it was a disaster waiting to happen. And yep, I ran into it and broke the head off of a ceramic cherub my mom had sat on top of it.
And speaking of eyeshadow. I accidentally dropped my best eyeshadow applicator down my brother's sink.
And I remembered something else. I put my glasses on top of my head to keep my hair back when I brush my teeth. Well, I had bent over to get some water from the tap to rinse with... and I managed to hook the pump of the soap dispenser on the corner of my glasses, so it came up with me when I lifted my head back up XD
And then there was the time I accidentally drank Pine-Sol. There was a bottle of it sitting on the table. And I had a bottle of Mountain Dew. I sat my bottle down next to the Pine-Sol, but when I went to pick it back up... yep, I picked up the wrong one. And I didn't realize it until I took a drink. It tasted