theonlysaneone wrote:
Moongewl wrote:
While the first quote is merely weird, and the third is oddball, that middle one is scary.
What's so scary about that? He's merely saying what everyone is thinking about the Islamic church, albeit in a particularly blunt way. Islamic doctrine is being used to justify horrific acts, and none of their leadership is willing to stand up and repudiate the extremists. Johnson's statement is controversial, to be sure--but the only reason you find it
frightening is that you've been fed the same politically correct slop I and every other American has been subject to since 9/11 about how Islam is a peaceful religion and the terrorists hate us for our freedom/wealth/whatever.
Let me be absolutely clear: I have no problem with most Muslims. On the contrary, I have a great amount of respect for their faith and devotion. Islam is not an easy religion to be a part of, partly because of the many requirements for its adherents (Rammadan [sp?], the Hajj, etc.) and partly because of the way the extremists reflect on adherents who aren't suicide bombers. My problem is with the clerics who continue to allow, or worse, encourage, said extremists to blow themselves up in the name of their religion. When Johnson says Islam needs to "get 18th century," he means the Muslim world needs to wake up and purge those radical elements from its ranks, like so many other religions have.
As an aside, Islam also needs to rid itself of sharia law that suggests the death penalty for anyone who leaves the church of Islam. Orson Scott Card, author of
Ender's Game, wrote an excellent piece about that
It doesn't seem offensive to you because you're not Muslim.
I am a Muslim. Am I a terrorist? No. Do I take pride in these terrorist attacks? Heck no! But apparently in Johnson's view, all Muslims are evil terrorists.
What this Johnson creature was stating in the article on Islam was that all Muslims were radicals. He equated every Muslim as a radical Muslim which deeply offends me. He didn't even make an attempt to state that "I am not against Muslims, but am against those Muslims which preach hate and intolerance towards the Western World" or something of the sort. He made it seem as if it's everyone VS every Muslim in the world.
For someone who preaches about alienation, he sure as Hell made me feel alienated during that article.
What a creep.
theonlysaneone wrote:
Asthaloth wrote:
And actually, the BNP want anyone less than.. 2nd, generation English out I think it was, so, no, not white supremacists exactly.
And the less said about your apparent admittance to being of the colonial mind set the better.
This coming from the person who has a swastika in his avatar.
Hinduism uses the symbol as well which represents the evolution of the world.
Let's not jump the gun and start calling each other racists or anything.