Jno wrote:
Ooh, that is very cool. It's about time they worked on something like this. No more people grabbing pets being transferred.
Can you only transfer one for another, though? Hmm, I guess if you wanted to move one to a side account and not trade, you'd have to adopt a pet there, trade for the pet you wanted, and then put the adopted pet back in the pound from the account you traded your pet from. Still interesting.
Actually, when they reopened the pound they added a safe transfer option, so you can send pets to other accounts...
They'd better add an option to block exchange requests... I can just see people trying to trade pets without asking the other person first, which could get just as (or more) annoying than random neofriend requests. That said, I can see this as quite useful for swapping about side account pets, especially if one or both have 4 pets already.