1) Watch someone fall from a third story balconyIt was absolute madness. I live in an bilevel apartment, and the balcony the guy fell from was right above my apartment. He fell backwards off his balcony (he was sitting on the edge of it, and had been drinking) just as I was about 15 feet from my door. He slid down this little roof thing (it's like an overhang with shingles) and cracked his head on the railing beside my front door and then landed in his neck (as in he landed on his neck in a way that his chin was touching his chest) on the cement five feet from my door
2) Perform CPR on someone with a broken neck and other various broken bonesBy the time I recovered from shock ("OMGZDIDTHATACTUALLYHAPPEN??!?!"), his friends had come downstairs and were running up to him to try and shake him awake. I had to stop them from touching him which was difficult because they were inebriated and
freaking out. Do you know how hard it is to convince someone that slapping a person's face who had just landed on his neck was a bad idea? Ridiculously difficult, apparently. Anyways, he wasn't breathing so I had to check his pulse.
Friends of guy: Oh man. This is soooo bad. OH MAN! What do we do? WHAT?
Eventually someone called 911. By that time, I had to roll him over because I couldn't find a pulse. Let me tell you. I don't think I'll ever forget what it was like to roll someone over who had a broken neck. By myself. I'm not sure I've ever cringed so much in my life. And then I CPR'd for a long time. I'm so thankful that my CPR coarses have made me paranoid, because I never travel without a face barrier/shield and gloves. Ever. And those items certainly came in handy.
3) Break up a fight between a group of elementary school kids who had knivesWHAT THE DEUCE IS WRONG WITH KIDS?
4) Change briefs of older men and women.Long term care facility, yo
5) Had a customer kicked out of a storeTo be honest, I was working there and she was horrible and rude to me. I called security and had her removed from the store
6) Been homeless for a dayThis was a fundraiser for a homeless shelter in my city. I collected pledges and then I lived on the streets for 24 hours. It was very humbling and very cold.
7) Witnessed four births (human) in one month. (This doesn't count if you work in a hospital!)I sat with four teen girls, who didn't have anyone at the hospital with them, while they gave birth.
I think that's it. Otherwise, my life is pretty ordinary and lame.