StuMan wrote:
Hi all,
I just had a go at this game and must say I am less than impressed.
I was playing it quite well. Getting all the keys and winning all the minigames etc etconly to find that my oppoment was either cheating or there is big fat massive bug in the game.
Its just that whenever I got a key or won a minigame my np total would decrease and that same key would be added to my oppoment. Thus my oppoment won the game unfairly. I am like WTFIGO How could he win when he did not win any mini games and only walked on one key.
If this is the way the game is going to be I will not ne playing it ever again. I don't think its nice if i'm winning and suddenly I see that my winnings are added to the oppoments total instead of mine. Like I was at 1100np and when I won a minigame I dropped down to 0np Like how can that happen. I noticed that the oppoment score kept going up and up.
I hope is account gets freezed cause i', unhappy.
I hope you can understand my really crappy ramble
aka Stuart179 on neopets
The game is in Beta, that means it is still in testing. Yes, there are bugs/glitches and somewhat of an unfair advantage to the faster computers/internet connections.
But having said that, the rewards are well worth it. I have been in constant training with all the codestones I win as well as the neggs which I use. The nps I make from selling all the other prizes is far more than I make by restocking.
The nps that you win in the game, I believe have a weird bug or at least a weird way of working. I have noticed that sometimes when you move, the amount you win for that turn stay in your user interface (making it seem you have lost nps) but when your opponents move, your nps are adding on to your total.
I have never seen my nps go to someone else. I have played almost 500 games.
The minigames hardly work well for the slower, older computers or for dial up or slow connections. Even though it seems you are winning, there is such a huge lag (for me sometimes it can be as high as 15 seconds), the game is usually over by the time my computer has caught up. That is why you can miss a turn after a mini-game - the computer has lagged so much that the game is still on screen while the other guy has already won.
The new premium version runs faster, but there is still a noticeable difference between faster and slower computers. I doubt the game will ever run the same for everyone as it is very memory/graphic intensive and TNT will never be able to cater for everyone.
Overall, I would prefer to put up with this game, than spend the same amount of time on a bunch of others.