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Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:52 am

... I really hope that was a BAD guy who offed Ckillor As i SAID ckillor was INNOCENT..... sheesh.

(edited cause im tired and adding extra words that make my sentences make no since!)

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:16 am

Night 6

When Malibu heard the loud noise, he immediately knew what it was after hearing all the terrible stories from other survivors. He took off running before the thundering hordes could get closer, not even risking that it could actually just be thunder since the sky had looked a bit overcast earlier that day. He did manage to clear the oliphants, but unfortunately he did trip and fall, spraining his ankle as he fled.

Hansy noticed a dark figure and followed the individual, making ready an arrow to attack should the person be up to something nefarious. Unfortunately, he did not expect for a ball of fire to come out and attack him. With no time to move out of the way, and nothing to shoot with his arrow, Hansy fell victim to the flames.

Christopher made his way up to the same cliff where Pippin and Rosie perished. He was happy to be alive, but mourned the loss of two wonderful players. When the lava came towards him, he could smell it before he saw it. He made a move to run from it, but it approached much to quickly. He winced and closed his eyes when he thought there was no escape, only to open them a moment later when he felt no pain. He looked in wonder as around him the lava parted around him like the red sea... of lava.

Varda came upon thetrueoogabooga huddled in the back corner of a room. Sighing, she tried to convince him to come out, that all would be fine, but all he could do was babble about fire and swords and doom. Varda finally gave up and left him there to come out of it on his own.

Malibu was attacked by oliphants, but survived.
Hansy was attacked by a ball of fire and died. He was
Haldir, the elf whose vengeance came swift with an arrow.
Christopher was attacked by lava but was protected.
thetrueoogabooga is terrified. He may not use any SPs for the next day and night cycle.

Day 7 Begins.

Players still in Middle-Earth: 26 Majority Single: 14 Majority Double: 20

1. Players/Events post will be updated in the morning as Pickles is feeling a bit unwell right now.
2. I need your lists! Please make sure you send them in. I'm taking careful notes of who does and doesn't send in lists or post locations, and there will be repercussions if you do not submit these lists or mention your location by 7:30 PM NST on a regular basis.
Last edited by averly on Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:24 am

Gah you give me extra time and I STILL can't get on! And me babble? Absolutely ridiculous! :P

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:40 am

You know you're LOTR-illiterate when you can't decipher who's good or bad.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:57 am

Ammer wrote:You know you're LOTR-illiterate when you can't decipher who's good or bad.

lol! Who are you having a difficult time diciphering?

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:23 pm

Pardona's role of Treebeard is now unrezzable.
Pardona has replaced Twinkle in the game. Please welcome Pardona back!

First post has been updated. I'm still a bit under the weather, but the game will go on.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:24 pm

Hah, wow. This is pretty bad.

And welcome back, Pardona.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:37 pm

Ammer wrote:Uh, how do we know that Mongrel has an heir? Did I miss something in her death scene?

Role not revealed is usually the tell tell sign. I'd say that the majority of the time, this means they have an heir.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:53 pm

Glad to be back!

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:58 pm

I would've been here but my dad had an emergency doctor's appointment.

Vote: no exec. (for now)
Move to: Isengarde

I am not going to leave. Nope.

P.S.: Welcome back Pardona. :)

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:59 pm

Pink wrote:
Ammer wrote:You know you're LOTR-illiterate when you can't decipher who's good or bad.

lol! Who are you having a difficult time diciphering?

The elf who takes vengeance? Normally I'd say that's bad but I don't know in LOTR land.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:59 pm

Pardona wrote:
Pixa wrote:
Ammer wrote:Uh, how do we know that Mongrel has an heir? Did I miss something in her death scene?

Role not revealed is usually the tell tell sign. I'd say that the majority of the time, this means they have an heir.

Not necesarily, though. Sauron 'killed himself' through means of lava night 1, and there have been lava attacks since, right? Nevertheless, his role was revealed. Oh, and it's great to be back, everyone. Hurray for second chances!

Yes, but Sauron was never listed as defeated, indicating a team, not necessarily an heir.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:13 pm

Move: Moria

Will vote after work today.

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:50 pm

Duh, irony. I really meant to check back to vote and post and stuff on day 5, but I did end up drunk and it's already amazing that I managed to vote and for the right person too.
Kind of belated, but Mongrel was the one who blew up Helm's Deep. Make of that what you will.

I don't really feel like voting after the ckillor, er, accident. Aren't there any leads?

Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread

Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:00 pm

Ah, so Mongrel was that super huge hybrid monster guy. Yep. And how do you know, Wind?
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