Wow, I don't see the argument here to be honest.
Though I find it amusing whow outlandish claims will be made about what humans were and weren't biologically meant to do with absolutely no back up.
It's like saying 'Should people be allowed to wear blue t-shirts?'
Wow, I'll do what I like, you do the same.
Judging someone either way is extremely big headed and stupid. To assume you're right over a choice that comes down to preference......
With that said, I'm a vegetarian and everyone else sucks.
[I know I do (think you have a body that just wont quit) ] - Igg... Yeah, I'm not even gonna change that. Except put it back in context
yeah, fine, i said that. I say it ALL the time >.> Would it help if I say it back? (maybe if we do this through edit Jim wont tell us to get a room...)
I have a room. You have a room. It's all very civil. Hmm, for US to get a room, does that require us to MELD rooms?
I wouldn't know. Who needs a room anyway? Grassy knolls are fine by me.. That also Works ^^ they'll never know what we got up to on that grassy knoll....
They don't NEED to know... I pity the guy with the tank top though.. Who doesn't? I think his dog was only hanging out for pity factor. And yes, they don't need to know *shifty eyes*
Did you ever stop to think that other people can see this? No, me neither...eheh.. Heh... no one will though, who'll look in such an unsuspecting place then spot *DUM DUM DUM* two obsessive freaks >.>;
Two? That's optimistic of you ^^ Denial isn't just something that sassy black women can use to sass yo out. It's also, uh, the state you're in. >.>
RACIST PIG DOG! Yer ginger haired, kilt wearing, bagpipe playing freak! Cumbrian. (PWN'D)
Well, that told me... Yup ^^ So, now, were where we? Shamelessly asking to be told 'Get a room' I think.....
Although 'get a grassy knoll' would be OK...*coughJimgetherenow* XD But we already got a grassy knolll... *coughcoughYHaloTharJimCough* >.>; we're so not trying to get admins to edit the post. That'd be like, sad.
which of course, we are not.. Yup ^^ Also do you think anyone's noticed yet? Oh well. We're not obsessed with the month july... or the date 27.. or who we may or may not have met on that date >.>;
27th July? Hmm, doesn't ring a bell.... I don't think I've met you before....oh, aren't you that tall blonde guy who hangs outside my window? No, I'm the tall blonde guy you spy on. Notice whow it's always chilly? Yeah, you're OUTSIDE! >.>
Oh god, THAT'S why I'm always cold. But hang on, who's the guy outside my window? He's my informant. He has no spy camera's or the like. Oh also, I'm obsessed.
With? Beans? When beans = Igg.
I should take know, I could, somewhow, interpret that offensively because of my general antipathy towards the foodstuff we call beans. But it's cool, obsessive stalking and all.. I'm not particularly fond of beans myself. But whow do we control the contents of paralel dimensions? Can't. Yes, obsseesive stalking is perfectly healthy for both of us...
You never know, we could have a word with Trevor.. look, I don't know about you, mate, but I'm perfectly healthy Trevor is too clever to allow us to trifle with him. PErfectly healthy eh? not me *sets up camp in grassy knoll*
Whow can I not be healthy? I haven't had an accident since like, yesterday! *ongoing injuries not included* Watch out for nettles. It was you who was haphazardously waving your hand around in the grass/nettles..... and luck=/= health. Otherwise I'd be healthy ^^
And I wouldn't be...oh...feh. There were no nettles where I waved my hand around! In theoretical situation >.> We've got them all fooled... they'll never know.
I think i really threw them off with the theoretical situation remark >.>; SLY. Sock is totally wrong about us being psycho's of course.. people make obsessive convo's like this all the time, right?
Uhuh. See them all the time. Just part of the scenery Yeah, mods constantly just edit posts to have covos. Me and Igg chatting? Pure co-incidence, eh?
Look, it happens all the time, honestly, no need to make a thing about it *flustered* Lets face it, we're the best posters evar. >.> I totally deserve to be a mod. XP
I told you, there's no special way, you have to apply like everyone else! We may be the best posters, but we've hardly racked up the post counts during this... True. We shoulda spammed >.>; Yes, there is no special way.. Uh, *wink* <.< think anyone's noticed this yet other than sock?
As a moderator, i feel I should tell you... spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...lovely spam, wonderful spam! Noone's noticed. Don't be ridiculous. Sock said it because of the shirt thing... Yes, the crazy shirt statement. Bacon eggs and spam, spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam and spam.... 'Could I have the sausages, eggs, spam and beans without the spam?' 'EURGH!' >.>;
What d'you mean URRRRRRGH! I don't like spam. Wow, this is actually slightly topic appropriate. Slightly. Not anymore...... So, whow much d'ya wanna bet no one will notice this? No one else will post, the topic will die etc >.<
I reckon that'll's quite unnoticable. there's my crappy post THEN A BULK OF RED AND BLACK. Wow, we truly pwn. >.> Over 30 edits. A NEW RECORD!
It quite possibly is. We should've gone for pink and blue, really.. Yeah, our trade marks. Ah well, would take too long to fix. I demand a history book of PPT be started. And we get included. In the 'pwniest things ever' section. Maybe.
There's a PPT Yearbook thread thing in Site Disc, i think
Try there! Alas, I have to go...err....don't be too heartbroken *pat pat* *sniff sniff* Ah well, this is a pretty good run ^^ Speak to ya tommorow.. maybe here >.>;
There there. Lonely monologues are ok ^^; <insert long lonely monologue here>
Jimedit : Get a room
AW HELL YESH! *screen shots*