Xandra wrote:
I'm actually experiencing myself move away from loving chocolate. I've never been a fanatic- I can't stand anything but milk chocolate (and white, I guess, but that doesn't count)- but lately I just seem to be losing the taste for it. IT'S SO WEIRD.
But I still love chocolate
covered things. Reeses Cups. Three Musketeers. Snickers. Take 5. Mmmmmm.
Non-chocolate is wonderful too, of course.
Twizzlers (yes, I eat her), Starbursts... Sugar...
And, because I just can't help myself, I
Apollo Bars and Chocolate Frogs.Is it sad that was the first thing I saw...?
Hmm. I really like Skittles. =D In order of favorites -- Smoothie (unfortunately I think it was limited edition and I doubt I will ever see it again

), the new double flavored one that is out that has a package similar to smoothie... Crazy Colors or something?, chocolate (also limited edition... usurped by Crazy Colors?), and finally Regular. I am happy when I get any of them though.

I don't like the sour or wild berry ones much, but I will eat them if I get them. =3 There was also a carnival flavour out at one time or another, but as I only had the flavour that was in smoothie skittles I don't think I can judge where it should be placed.

I also like Starbursts.

I have not tried as many of the flavours though.
I also enjoy various chocolates (Mars Bars are probably my favorite, but I do not get them often

). And liquorice. Though I prefer Red Vines over Twizzlers. [Le gasp! Scandal!] I also like taffees and various other things. ^^