Scythemantis wrote:
I've had the same account on neopets (scythemantis) since 2000, I never played with side accounts and was never good enough to save up more than a few hundred thousand neopoints in all that time, but I had every pet, petpet, and petpetpet I wanted largely thanks to gifts from people very special to me.
I know for a fact that the last time I logged in, it was the real neopets server, but the other day I find my password changed, my mutant gnorbu changed into a GREEN UNI, and my mutant tuskanniny POUNDED, sending his mutant urgoni and bleech (the account's two most sentimental items from the two closest people to me) into oblivion.
Password requests aren't arriving in my inbox (shouldn't this person have needed to confirm them with my e-mail?!), the staff hasn't responded to me yet, and I don't even know if I have enough information to give them. I don't remember the name of a single neofriend or a single sale/trade/auction I ever made.
Such a thing has never happened to me before, anywhere, by which I mean this is technically the first time anybody has stolen anything from me that I know about since childhood.
That has happed to me, my account was koro20599, it got frozen cuz some one hacked it and took all my items. and then my new account got frozen cuz some one hacked it and wrote trash on the neoboards.