Anjuna, the ability throw pillows can only be used once per day. However, if you let your battle continue into the next Neopian day, apparently you can use that ability again in the same battle (when you go into the BD, you'll see a tab at the top called "challenges" - you can click there and reenter your current battle at any time, but keep in mind that you can't heal during the battle, so don't do anything that could cost HP, especially snowager... you *can* finish a training during battle, but not complete a FQ, if I remember correctly). Since the throw pillows ability blocks all attacks from the enemy, you will be able to attack Malum with your strongest weapons each round - but each round will take 1 Neopian day. See for an explanation of the ability (this is a good guide to all the abilities, actually...).
ROTL is not actually all that great as an offensive weapon. You're much better off using 2 of the plot weapons. I think Daze listed them a little while ago when I asked for suggestions, but here are some trials:
With a 550 str boost, using blazing embers and winged palm blade, I hit for 283, 290, 325. Using blazing embers + thistled pingrenade, I hit for 322, 367 (the pingrenade is only 1x/battle, though). Using blazing embers + turned tooth (cheapish because available from the wishing well), I hit for 336 every round.
Other buyable options: a ghostkerbomb (available from the HT - I wouldn't pay over HT prices for one... I wish I had one to lend you, but I don't have one right now, and unless JS really overinflates their prizes, prices should hold pretty stable on this), jade elixir (7526 NP from the secret ninja school, 1-use 100% healer - you might be able to survive a round if you use the ability shade?), thick smoke bomb (9000 NP from the secret ninja school, 1-use 100% shield - you can only carry one, but this would make the throw pillows method take 1 fewer day), downsize! (a multi-use 50% blocker... it's relatively cheap vs. having to buy multiple thick smoke bombs, but I would probably spend the money on thick smoke bombs instead), shade ability (2 dark bottled faeries - it's basically 1x/battle, but it might be able to help you survive another round), irritable minions ability (it deals out 8 or maybe 10 dark icons the round *after* you use this - so you'd have to survive the current round, maybe pair this with a thick smoke bomb? not clear whether this ability currently works, but it's only 10 dark bottled faeries), an icicle ability (instead of irritable minions, if that one isn't working - deals 6 extra icons of damage), a HT offensive weapon (Kelpbeard trident or an anagram sword)
If secret ninja school items are inflated and you can't access the shop there, let me know and I'll buy what you need and sell them to you at cost (I think it's like the faerie springs, so it might take some time). I have a huge stockpile of healing potions (which I should start selling, now that I think about it...), so if you need any for outside of the BD, let me know. (I have the strongest ones that should only require 1-2 potions/healing.)
In general, forget about defense - your defense is just too weak vs. your strength, so hit hard and heavy. Here's a sample strategy. Sorry, it's late, so I can't run the math for you to see if you'd defeat him in this many rounds or not...
Round: Ability + Weapon 1 + Weapon 2
Round 1: Throw pillows + bomb + blazing embers (bomb = ghostkerbomb or thistleberry pingrenade)
Round 2: Irritable minions* + thick smoke bomb + blazing embers (*if this ability doesn't actually do any damage, or if your battle is going to last more than 3 rounds, switch it out for an icicle ability)
Round 3: Shade + blazing embers + (turned tooth or winged palm blade) (unless you still can't survive... then maybe try shade + blazing embers + your best shield - I don't know what kind of damage Malum does, but choose a shield or a combo that blocks 100% of one icon that he tends to do a lot of damage with; some common items that can do this are parasol of unfortunate demise, ROTL, Hanso's charisma charm, um... drawing a blank, sorry... you might even consider using a reflector, just to survive, such as the 1-use Amulet Of Reflection, or one of the 50% fragile single-icon-type reflectors such as shovel plus or expert lens - this will work best if Malum's weapons mostly use a single icon, and obviously choose a reflector or 100% blocker that targets his main icon type)
Round 4: an icicle + jade elixir + blazing embers (and hope you've finished him off by now)
If you can't finish him off in round 4 (or can't survive round 3), you can wait until the next Neopian day and replace that round with throw pillows + blazing embers + turned tooth/winged palm... and keep doing that across multiple days until you finish him off.
Sorry if this isn't clear, but now it's way past bedtime, and I've got to get up early.
edit: another option is to increase your strength boost using items. Bubbling fungus is one, but may not be the cheapest right now. It's expensive, since you'd need 49 more icons to reach the next boost, but it could be cheaper and more effective than buying another weapon. In the long run, it's best to train year-round so you're ready for the plot. FQ cookies are a nice option, too, if you've got NC. They should be going on discount soon.
edit 2: I created a trade for you with some healing potions in case you need them. Just bid junk. ... =421896185That should heal you up again for 5 battle attempts.