Day 11: 0, 18.5k
0: 7 (63,500)
2: 4 (48,750)
3: 0 (0)
4: 0 (0)
RLB: Day 2
Total: 112,250 NP
"Record" high: 461,750
"Record" low: 452,375
What Pickles calls "decent," I would call "great"... Congrats on the great round! Congrats on whatever kind of round you had, Blue! (And congrats on fixing both cars!)
My car has a central display that went completely dark, so I can only use the "auto" temperature control settings, which I dislike, since I can't adjust the fan strength at all, and I can no longer go just a little forward/back on a CD I'm listening to (instead I have to go back to the beginning of a track, which can be problematic when audiobooks have long tracks and I only want to go back about ten seconds or so)... except the latter isn't much of a problem anymore, since the radio system is completely malfunctioning.
It is largely unresponsive, though I can occasionally adjust stations, but the audio goes out for about 1-2 seconds out of every 3-5 seconds, and I can't turn it off. Or if I manage to turn it off, it restarts itself, so I just have the volume set to zero right now, but I can't listen to audiobooks or traffic or music. It seems frivolous, but it's actually kind of important to me... I just wish I knew where to start diagnosing it.
I could theoretically easily replace the central display unit myself for about $130 (but what if it's just a fuse? but the system sucked, anyway - it went dark when I was trying to adjust the temperature because the touchscreen was barely responsive...), but I have no idea what to do about the radio. Is it a loose wire? Something inside the radio? Another part of the wiring system? My car is a 2005. Apparently in 2004, the US switched to lead-free solder, so all 2004-2005 cars have terrible electronic systems (I've already spent over $3000 on fixing the brake actuator and the combination meter, which were safety issues). You'd think in articles about buying used cars, they might have mentioned not buying ones from those years... Anyway, Blue, want to diagnose mine for me?