Day 23, 2 matches, 19k
0: 11 (187,375)
2: 12 (149,000)
3: 0
4: 0
Gift boxes: Day 2
BLB: Days 10 & 20
Total: 336,375
I am 100% certain that I did not spin on Sunday (3/13). With the time change, the Bar hours changed. We now open 30 minutes later than the pre-DST opening time, allowing me to "sleep in" an extra 30 minutes and effectively lose only 30 minutes of sleep that night. (I did go to bed an hour earlier than usual, though). The trade-off for the later start time is the bar now closes an hour later... i.e. stay a full hour longer than before. Due to some co-worker's "issues" on Sunday evening, I wound up staying 90 minutes past the new closing time...
Way too long of a day. By the time I finally got home, I ate dinner and completely forgot about Trudy. I realized mid-day Monday that I had not spun on Sunday and figured I had been reset. But I was not. Hooray!
However... This might actually be our 2nd to last DST event, considering the US Senate passed a bill yesterday to abolish DST. Now, the arguments will begin - Do we stick with "Saving" or "Standard"? Hmm... Will it pass the House? Will be Vetoed?
Sen. Patty Murray wrote:
We got it past the Senate, and now the clock is ticking to get the job done so we never have to switch our clocks again,” Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said on the Senate floor. “So I urge my colleagues in the House to act as swiftly as the Senate — let’s get this bill on President Biden’s desk and deliver more sunshine to Americans across the country.
Does Senator Murray really think the clock has anything to do with the amount of sunshine each 24 hours? I know the cows really do not care what time it is. Pretty sure that they cannot actually read a clock - analog or digital. They go exclusively by the sun and moon. I really need a nap right about now.