Day 11, Matched 2, 19k
Day 12, Matched 0, 18.5k
No Matches: 6 (73,875)
Match 2: 6 (59,000)
Match 3: 0 (0)
Match 4: 0 (0)
Gift Boxes: 1
BLB: Day 9
Total: 132,875
Rounds w/no BLB: 2
Low on Record: 450,875
High on Record: 463,750
Tues: AC is only kinda fixed. It's running, at least, but it's now thrown the same error multiple times. This morning it took 2 hours before it came back up. This afternoon it was a matter of minutes. I called again and was like, this is like having a computer randomly throwing a BSOD and rebooting it "fixes" it, but it could keep happening and that's considered "fixed." It is not fixed. It's not running properly. So....someone is coming out again tomorrow during normal business hours so that they have access to the brand hotline (because of course, that's not available after hours when they wanted to send someone out again today, and two of the three times now that we've had someone out has been after hours and not able to fully troubleshoot.) Needless to say, at least the house is currently cool, but I feel like we're running on borrowed time. I'm blazing through as much laundry as I can while it's running, with the hopes that I'll be able to get enough done to make it through this mess (because I didn't run any while we had no AC because that would've been awful - it was 88 upstairs before it was fixed).
Weds: Still waiting for the guys to come fix it. The window they gave us is more than halfway over, and we're quickly running out of "business hours." The unit has now sent out at least 34 errors since the guy was here Monday night. I got through all my laundry and have been trying to overcool the house today to get it lower than we normally keep it so it doesn't warm up too much while the guy is working...assuming he ever shows up.