Shollia wrote:
Meh.. the hurricane isn't that big.. but it's still scary nonetheless. It's only going to hit the coast here in SC.. well... mainly just the coast. I doubt we'll see anything other than some rain in Columbia *shrugs*
Isn't that big? Man, if a catagory 4 hurricane with 145 mph winds isn't that big, I'd hate to see big. Hurricane Andrew 10 years ago was just one catagory higher than Charlie is and it caused over 10 billion dollars in damage.
On a much worse note, three people have died due to hurricane related incidents thus far (
more). On the note of that article, the fact that the storm would be a catagory 4 before it got to land fall was not "unknown," apparently this guy just didn't pay any attention. Also, as much as I'm glad that we in the tampa bay area avoided the hurricane, it might have been better off coming here in general because we were expecting it for a while and actively getting people as far in land as possible, where as down where it hit they didn't really have as much advance warning as we did. Another bad thing about this near-miss is that there hasn't been a severe hurricane in the tampa bay area for a very long time, so even this time people took the warnings with very little interest and it will only get worse as time goes on, which means when it's really dire that we prepare, everyone's going to be treating it just like "all the others" as they did this time and the many many times before. Ah well, I guess it's some crude form of natural selection :-P
PS With all this talk about Florida, I thought I'd share this:
You Know You're From Florida When...
-You own at least five pairs of flip flops
-You know someone who's been struck by lightning
-You're more scared of the freaks who live down the street than gators
-Your backyard is sometimes a swamp
-You're officially sick of Disney
-You shrug off hurricane warnings
-You've been permanently blinded by fat men in speedos
-There are only two seasons - hot and hotter
-You've drank a flaming alligator.
-You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Florida.