I'm in a class called Global Studies, which is basically geography for honours students. My teacher never gives graded homework, we just have tests on each unit. We have 8 tests throughout the year, which means that if we fail one of them, we'll probably get a B in the class.
Also, just for some background information, there is a boy in my class who thinks he's all that. We'll call him Jim (:P). Now, Jim is very annoying and likes to bug me, so, naturally, I hate him. It's pretty much obvious if you look at the two of us that we don't like each other.
Finally, back to the tests. There is a boy in my Spanish class who had Global Studies earlier in the year (because it's a 9-week class). He kept all his tests and wrote down the answers to them. He typed up all the answers on a little slip of paper and gave it to Jim (they're all multiple-choice). Jim passes the paper around to all his friends in my class so they can copy the answers down. My teacher is fairly young (in her thirties), although she has bad eyesight, so she doesn't notice them doing it. About 2/3 of the class (around twenty or so) have the answers by the time we take the test. They all cheat and get the answers correct, and they all get perfect grades, which they brag about, even though everyone knows they cheat, except my teacher, who is oblivious to it.
Well, on Friday, we took a test on Latin America. I noticed that Jim had carelessly dropped his answer slip when he got up from taking the test (his desk is right next to mine) so I picked it up. He didn't seem to notice. At the end of class, when the bell rang, I paused a little to wait until Jim was out of the room. I walked up to the teacher and gave her the paper. I told her that Jim had been cheating on the tests we have had so far. I would have told her about the other people cheating, but the warning bell had rung, so I had to hurry out of the classroom.
I came back at the end of the day to talk to her more, but she was gone because on Fridays, teachers can leave right when the last bell rings. I'm scared that, because she knows I dislike Jim, she might think I'm trying to frame him. After all, isn't it weird that I found that slip of paper that Jim carelessly dropped? Could she think I was the one cheating? And, if she does think that I was telling the truth, could Jim and his friends find out? Jim is on the basketball team, so he has a lot of friends, who could make my life Hell. I'm a bit worried about what will happen tomorrow, Monday, when I go back to class.
I hope what's ethical was also sensible...