I've been a member since January, never posted a welcome thingy... But since I'm planning to post more often, maybe I should post something about me now
Name: tomatie!
Real name: Not telling. (Luc: you tell anyone, I'll tell everyone your real name.)
Age: sweet 16!
Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Pets: Holland Lop Rabbit, Aisha, Uni, Kougra, Chomby, Montre, Dragarth, Feli, Kumos, little brother.
Favourite music: everything except from -most- R&B and -most- hardcore
Good things: AMVs, PPT, my bunny, sugar, platypi, set contests
Bad things: insects, school (especially Maths), spammers.
Evil things: Jessica Simpson.
Hope I didn't scare you too much