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 Post subject: Qualities you look for in a celebrity.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:47 am 
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I'm sure everyone looks for at least one certain quality in a celebrity. What are yours?


Writing their own songs (for singers)- This isn't a huge thing to me, but I'm quite likely to give a singer more of a chance if they write their own songs. I know how hard it can be, and I'll probably buy a CD of someone if their own written songs are decent- even if I don't like their voices.

Playing an instrument (for singers)- Another not-huge thing for me. It isn't really that hard to sing. Yes, maybe singing training is hard, but it really isn't hard to open your mouth and sing. Now, playing an instrument, on the other hand, takes a bit of talent and dedication. I'm more likely to pick up the CD of someone that actually has worked hard for their success.

Not over-doing it- Yes, yes, long notes are nice every once in a while in a song, but I really don't care for long notes at the end of every single word. Making a three word sentence into a three minute song is just... not right. As for with actors/actresses, they're supposed to portray real-life situations in most cases. Fill in the blanks.

Working hard for success- This kind of ties into the instrument thing. If I hear of someone with a rags-to-riches story, I will most likely buy their CDs or DVDs, even if I don't like the music/acting. If you work hard for your money, I'll respect you for it.

Not getting self-centered with your success- Take Clay Aiken for example. I'm not a fan of his music, but I like his ever-giving spirit. He donates to charity, instead of using his money to build shrines to himself. Anyone who works toward the well-being of others takes the cake for me.

Not having... innapropriate... lyrics, clothing, or music videos- I HATE people who have the urge to have half-naked people in their music videos. I hate sexist lyrics. I hate people who actually walk around half naked. Singers are idols to some CHILDREN. I see no reason for them to behave so terribly. Yeah, it might be appealing to the opposite sex, but it's morally wrong. I think so, anyway.

What do you look for in a celebrity?

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 5:20 am 
PPT Baby
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I like artists/bands who write their own music. I also enjoy celebs that seem nice, and don't get smurf when a reporter asks them questions. I like unique people (i.e. Christina Aguilera...she totally reinvented herself, but she did it in a very unique way). I'm not really into teeny-bopper type artists who sing about love and heartbreak that they've probably never experienced before. I like artists who sing what they feel and have a purpose behind their music.

I like celebs who are real. And keep it real. Even after they become famous. I totally dislike those that become very snobby and very egotistical after achieving their fame.

Okay. *steps off her soap box*

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 5:51 am 
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Mm. Celebs (as in artists of the music industry) will gain my respect if they write their own music, sound good live (that's a big one, I hate artists who just get their voices edited a lot, like Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff), stay down to earth, actually do stuff for good causes without being bad examples themselves outside of the donation situation, and being a good influence to kids.

Oh, also no faking (like Jennifer Lopez and her "story of success" which turned out false), no making huge headlines for some stupid publicity stunt, and no huge egos (like Usher, who, even though can sing, write, dance, and whatever else, just gets too self-involved).

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:58 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Heres a few:

-Positive IQ score
-Write own music or are in partnership
-Can actually sing

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 7:01 am 
Beyond Godly
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The whole talent this is usually the first thing I look for, no talent and they shouldn't even be there. Other than that, I prefer celebrities that still have their feet on the ground, are level-headed and also help out/stand-up for the causes they believe in. I don't select on whether or not they do things like direct/write/play music in addition to their main talent but I have to say I have a great deal of respect for those that do.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:39 am 
Beyond Godly
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Not Swearing Excessivly- I hate it when bands who know perfectly well that they have very young fans (aka Busted) start screaming "*bleep* THIS *bleep* THAT, GO *bleep* THE *bleeping* GOLDFISH.".
People who've overcome something- Singers who've overcome something like a stammer, dyslexia, hyperactiveness thing, etc.
People who've wrote their own songs- This is pretty important to me, because how can you sing about something if you've never been through it?
Not being young.- I really don't like listening to people who aren't even 18 yet. Such as Jojo, S Club Juniors, etc. I belive it's wrong, they should be in school like we have to be, instead of skipping their childhood. Wowee, they get 4 hours of tutoring a day, I get 7 hours of school a day, but no-one throws a parade for me!

that's me.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 11:15 am 
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I look for bands that write their own music, play instruments and aren't an exact clone of another band that already exists.

Thanks for my sat Jade MWAH!

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:56 pm 
Beyond Godly
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thats an... odd, question?
reading through the replies i find that alot of people have more double standards than id imagined.
(frag it, my CD player just cut out :x )
I also enjoy celebs that seem nice, and don't get smurf when a reporter asks them questions

that for example shows a complete and utter lack of any indication of what its like to have a couple dozen people, following you around asking stupid questions and calling you by names that you dont like.
(elizibeth hurly had a right hissy, after reporters insisted on calling her "liz", then the reporters had a right fit because she was a "snobby, egotystical" well lets top there.
i can relate, i absolutely hate being called phil, except by about three people (my brother and friend being two of them - my parents dont call me phil so thats good)
oh sure, some responses are good (actually being able to sing, overcoming a weakness etc) while others show a utter disregard for the fact that some people cant actually write music.
some people have disorders that you couldnt begin to immagine unless you have experienced it. (i myself have what is basicly a mild form of autism) some people simply cant write, but that doesnt stop them from writing (well, dictating) some excellent literary pieces. (jamie oliver cant read or write, but hes written two very good books, heck, some of the best literary pieces have been written by people who couldnt read or write)
sorry for the rant, but it just had too be said.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 2:14 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Yoshi wrote:
Mm. Celebs (as in artists of the music industry) will gain my respect if they write their own music, sound good live (that's a big one, I hate artists who just get their voices edited a lot, like Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff), stay down to earth, actually do stuff for good causes without being bad examples themselves outside of the donation situation, and being a good influence to kids.

Oh, also no faking (like Jennifer Lopez and her "story of success" which turned out false), no making huge headlines for some stupid publicity stunt, and no huge egos (like Usher, who, even though can sing, write, dance, and whatever else, just gets too self-involved).

I'm with you, man.

I agree with you a little too, Dawn. I like people who can keep their clothing on.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 3:47 pm 
PPT Baby
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Setekh wrote:
thats an... odd, question?
reading through the replies i find that alot of people have more double standards than id imagined.
(frag it, my CD player just cut out :x )
I also enjoy celebs that seem nice, and don't get smurf when a reporter asks them questions

that for example shows a complete and utter lack of any indication of what its like to have a couple dozen people, following you around asking stupid questions and calling you by names that you dont like.
(elizibeth hurly had a right hissy, after reporters insisted on calling her "liz", then the reporters had a right fit because she was a "snobby, egotystical" well lets top there.
i can relate, i absolutely hate being called phil, except by about three people (my brother and friend being two of them - my parents dont call me phil so thats good).

First of all, I had no idea that the word I used was considered a "bad" word. ;) Anyway, I don't mean paparazzi. I didn't say paparazzi, did I?? I mean, reporters. As in when celebs are on the red carpet. That is their JOB to talk to the reporters...that's the whole reason why they're there. However, some celebs get very testy when they are asked questions. For example...and I don't remember who it was, but a reporter said to an actress, "okay, my first question is..." and then got interrupted by said actress laughing, "oh, you think you're going to get more than one question??" Very rude! I'm just talking about crap like that where the celebrity thinks their better than everyone just because they're well known, and that they obviously don't have to do their job, because, yes, that is their job! Enough of my rant.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 10:13 pm 
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Um, not stinking?
But seriously, an Iq higher than that of the keyboard I am currently using would be nice.


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