thats an... odd, question?
reading through the replies i find that alot of people have more double standards than id imagined.
(frag it, my CD player just cut out

I also enjoy celebs that seem nice, and don't get smurf when a reporter asks them questions
that for example shows a complete and utter lack of any indication of what its like to have a couple dozen people, following you around asking stupid questions and calling you by names that you dont like.
(elizibeth hurly had a right hissy, after reporters insisted on calling her "liz", then the reporters had a right fit because she was a "snobby, egotystical" well lets top there.
i can relate, i absolutely
hate being called phil, except by about three people (my brother and friend being two of them - my parents dont call me phil so thats good)
oh sure, some responses are good (actually being able to sing, overcoming a weakness etc) while others show a utter disregard for the fact that some people cant actually write music.
some people have disorders that you couldnt begin to immagine unless you have experienced it. (i myself have what is basicly a mild form of autism) some people simply cant write, but that doesnt stop them from writing (well, dictating) some excellent literary pieces. (jamie oliver cant read or write, but hes written two very good books, heck, some of the best literary pieces have been written by people who couldnt read or write)
sorry for the rant, but it just had too be said.