Codestone to be won! Sorry I couldn't provide a better prize, I'm lacking in neopoints at the moment...
I will credit the graphicians!

I will also use the winning set for at least a week. I will also use several sets that had a very good chance of winning.
I have very few rules, but please read and abide them.
1. One set per contestant.
2. The contest dead line is October 31
3. All PPT set rule apply.
4. Remember to have fun!
I want the avatar text and the main siggy text to be Raven Poet. The subtext is up to you!
Here are some suggestions for a theme:
~Fantasy (e.i. Fairies, Mythical Creatures, Fantasy Realms...)
You can use other themes, these are just some examples.
I'll post the winner as soon as the contest ends!
Edit: I wanted to add one more category
Entries so far:
By everconfused:
By Neopets Addict:

Keep those entries coming!
<img src="">
This beautiful set was made by Fzun. ^_^