I really, really, need a set. So, instead of requesting, I'll just hold a contest. It's easier and faster and um, yeah

1st// 10k + codestone
2nd// 5k+ random item
3rd// random item
(yes, i'm cheap, i know. but the items won't be something stupid)
- must say fzun
and, that's it.
Things I like: (things in parenthesis are just examples i came up with off the top of my head)
- neopets (neoquest, petpets, cool-looking items)
- hip hop/rap (basically all those guys you see on MTV and hear on the radio)
- rock (linkin park, new found glory, maroon 5)
- things that aren't exactly blinding.
- abstract images (no image just an awesome backround and stuff)
- animation
- family guy
- futurama
Things I dislike:
- animals (no 'fense, animals are cool but I just don't like 'em in sets)
- anime (again, just not on sets)
- a set with only swirls on it
- huge sigs
- britney spears
So that's basically all. The contest will probably go on for about a week or two which should give everyone some time to enter. You can either post your questions or PM them and stuff like that.