Xil wrote:
Kugetsu wrote:
For the first one, yes I did warn her, only as a last resort. Its better to at least try than sit there and do nothing isn't it? And she did vote for Dark.
As you now see, We've had another innocent killed, your intuition seems to have failed us
That makes no sense. Nelly was killed because either her or Dawn had to die, because one of them a blatantly evil. Unfortunately we hit the wrong one. Not once did I say "Nelly is teh 100% EVIL!!!11" Anyway, her death opened up other gateways, if you're caught up.
Xil wrote:
Kugetsu wrote:
The second one -persuasion- has already worked in this game, in fact, it's just about everywhere. It also helps to weed out potential baddies
Again, pursuasion got us nowhere.
Again? When was the first time it failed us?
Kugetsu wrote:
The third one was only of use because I PMed her and told her what the situation was and though that she could use the "I didn't know" defense. You have to cover all bases you know?
Easy, if she were to live, and she were in fact bad (which is obviously wrong) she could just as easily said "Well I didn't see that you had to have a vote locked to get a double execution". Which would have been a viable execuse.
Xil wrote:
Living! Listen up, Deadies, you too. You guys were close to killing the blatantly bad here. Darklegendary has managed to keep her head in the ground through most of this game, because consistently people who Monique or Autumnelf(White Wolf) had wanted to kill..well, were killed.
Granted Darklegendary has been active to a degree(generally only to vote) and as I can see of this moment, one of the few alive people online.
Vote Darklegendary, vote for a brighter future..today
That's what we've been trying to do for 2 days now, and also what I was trying to get Nelly to do tonight... -_-
plducala16 wrote:
Third.. If there's one coin left, besides JellyFish, how do we know Dawn is bad? She could have the last coin.
We don't know. But at the same time, Dark has announced she is leaving the game, so we can't vote her off, because I'm pretty sure it's official (wasn't Meowth's resignation the same way?).