plducala16 wrote:
I thouth that it was like 2,750 for 9/11...
And yes, this is FAR, FAR, worse..
I wouldn't even think of comparing the two.
Well, yeah. I mean, first of all, what's the estimated death toll at the time of my posting this? Somewhere around 66,000, I last heard. And this estimate -- as I believe at least one person who posted on this thread already suggested -- is expected to jump at least two fold. The cost of the disaster is
substantially (I cannot stress that word enough) higher, I believe. And many, if not all, the nations hit are third-world nations by which are already having a
very tough time with poverty and etcetera. If I'm correct, Sri Lanka (one of the nations hit) is in the middle of a civil war. Also, this wasn't a terrorist attack, but a natural disaster (arguably the worst in history, I heard, by the way), so these are two completely different scenarios.
Anyways, maybe some of us here can help out? There are funds out there. We likely wouldn't be able to do much, but one thing's for certain: every bit helps.
The following is taken from's forum:
Kanuck wrote:
Hey guys, hopefully you'll accept this little bit of quasi-spam for a good cause.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected by the massive 9.0 earthquake that caused entire coastal towns to be swept away by enormous tidal waves. Most of the hardest-hit places such as Sri Lanka and the Philippines are already very poorly equipped to deal with their everyday humanitarian problems, so the devastation caused by a natural disaster of this proportion is inestimable.
UNICEF is one of many organizations accepting donations to benefit victims of the disaster. They accept credit cards online, donations are tax-deductible and can be made from any country in the world. You can specify that your donation go specifically to victims of the disaster, or wherever your funds are needed most.
Just thought I'd recommend this good cause. I've already sent off my donation, and surely if a university drop-out with enormous debts and no job prospects can afford a modest $35 contribution, others should be able to spare a couple bucks. Every dollar counts, so let's show them what makes us a community.
Donate at—Aaron
Edit & stuck by Draegonis:
Links to other charities to which you can donate. Links courtesy of sticky in somethingawful's GBS:
Thai Red Cross (thus eliminating the middle-man, apparently) Red Cross Red Cross ... ke1204.htmDutch Red Cross Red Cross Red Cross Anyone thinking of starting a food or clothing drive for people in the affected regions should think again. This is about the worst thing you can do in a disaster. It costs more for international relief agencies to ship your old cans of creamed corn overseas than it would to buy them in-country.
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