Kitten Medli I like the format of this subtext, it could definitely be on the sig, but I don't know if I would have used "dancing". I could see how that might fit in with flowers, and how they "dance" in the wind, but I think something that ties in with a beach/island like "Relaxing in Paradise" or something close to that.
Dawn2 This is simple yet effective. The length is just right to fit under "Rachel" and on the left side of the flowers. It also captures many aspects of the picture in just two words. Not much more I can say, but I do like it. Very nice.
Twinkle Ooh. I love this subtext by itself, but putting it onto the signature may confuse readers. By "two small beauties" you could be talking about literally anything on the picture. Even so, I think this subtext could go onto the sig very nicely. Well done.
Robert210 This subtext really ties in with the picture, but I feel a fade between "So Quiet" and "So Beautiful" would make it more interesting and somehow fit into the sig better. I really don't like the comma in between and how it's all on one line. Even putting it in this format: "So quiet... (Enter) beautiful" would make it look better.
.:Requiem:. I don't know. Something about this subtext just doesn't seem to "fit". I can see how the beginning fits in with the picture, but I'm not quite sure about the second part. I'm especially not sure why you put "Beauty for the
feeling heart" I don't see where the feeling part comes from. I think the subtext would have been great with just "Beauty for the heart"
Kugetsu This subtext is another one thats simple yet effective. It fits perfectly with the picture, and is just the right...amount of detail, I guess. I think adding or subtracting any words would ruin the whole effect.
DM was on fire! The little "poem" is lovely, but it's waaay too long for the subtext. Even with the fades, I think each section may look a bit squished. Also, people really become very uninterested if your subtext drags on. You *might* have wanted to just use one section of the whole subtext.
Ammer This subtext is quite nice. It fits perfectly with the signature, and I like how it ties the flowers and the island together. I don't think there's anything wrong with this subtext
Amarise Way to be original! You didn't go for the obvious choice of subtext (paradise, tropical etc. etc.) and yet the subtext still goes quite well with the signature. It's also a wonderful length to put onto the signature.
JellyFish72 I like the format, and I think the fading is fine, but it really confuses me how you first say "Shady" meaning the trees, then "Pink". I know "Pink" stands for the flowers but at a quick scan, it could seem as if you're saying the trees are pink. I think the subtext would have been fine if you said something along the lines of, "Shady *fade* Green *fade* Paradise". I think you could have gotten away with not mentioning the flowers in your subtext.
Hellyer I think this is an excellent subtext. It goes very well with the image, is a perfect length and...just sounds nice? Not much to say, as I find nothing wrong with it. Great job!
Ziggy I see your point in the subtext, but I really don't think it fits with the picture, and at first glance a reader might not understand what you're trying to say. A subtext can be short, but it isn't always effective. In your case, it's short, but I'm not so sure about the effective part.
o_0 I understand you may not like serious subtexts, but it's necessary to be able to think up different types of subtexts. In this case, the sig isn't a humorous sig, so a more serious subtext suits better. The first part of your subtext is good enough by itself, in my opinion, and the second part can be let go.
Watericesage I think a fade would be good in this subtext as 1) It's a tad too long and 2) I think it sounds better. Otherwise, this is a nice subtext and I don't see anything else wrong with it. Wonderful job
Eliminate: Ziggy, o_0, and DM was on fire!
I'll give Plducala and Rachel until tomorrow, but after that, it'll be a strike.