Name: Charlie (Girl)
Age: 4 in human years.
Breed: Yorkshire Terrior
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Personality: Really shy and quiet. Is scared of a lot of things and relies on her mum for most things. She's not very good at making friends, as she finds it hard to talk to people. But if someone she cared about was in danger, she'd always try her best to help.
Other: Nothing.
Charlie was sat behind a tree, sticking her head out from behind it. She heard the grass rustling behind her. She suddenly ran round the other side of the tree, she then let out a sigh of relief. It was only her mum.
"What are you like." She said, talking about how scared she was about everything. Charlie walked up to her, looking at the large bone she was carrying.
"Look at the STATE of you!!" Charlie's mum sighed. She started licking her paws and wiping mud off Charlie.
"Mumm! Stop it!" Charlie moaned, pushing her mothers paws away.
"So, what are you doing on your own? Go and play with some other dogs!" Her mum said.
"No..It's OK. I'm fine. Is that bone for me?" Charlie asked, her mum pushed it over with her nose. Charlie happily started biting it, hoping no one else would come over to ask to share, because that'd mean she'd have to talk.
I have to talk to someone sometime though, so maybe I should introduce myself.. She thought.