I found this priceless, though outdated, quote on a Yankee-fan's site:
Why The Boston Red Sox Are An Embarrassment To Baseball
Well, the unprofessional, under-achieving, and ever embarrassing Boston Red Sox have done it again. In front of a national television audience, the “Babies from Beantown”, once again showed the baseball world why they have become the most embarrassing franchise in all of sports.
When Bronson Arroyo deliberately hit Alex Rodriguez with a pitch, and Jason Varitek sucker-slapped the Yankee third baseman, the Red Sox added to their sorry chapter of being baseball’s most disgraceful collection of 25 whiners. Everyone associated with the Boston Red Sox, their owners, management, and fans should be shameful of what this franchise has become.
Any knowledgeable baseball fan knows Arroyo hit “A-Rod” out of frustration. After a winter of “celebrating” their “world series acquisitions”, the Boston Red Sox are out of the divisional race and it’s only July. To make matters worse, the Yankees put the Sox to sleep while the “Bombers” number one and two starters (Brown and Mussina) have been on the disabled list. Thus, true to their recent form, the 2003 “Wild Card Champions” couldn’t take defeat, so they started a brawl.
To me, the brawl started by “Slipping Sox”, was no surprise. In my 36 years in following baseball, I’ve never seen a team of unprofessional under-achievers as these 2004 Boston Red Sox.
*dies laughing*