The monkey appears again. First he finds Matt, holding the parts of an exploded potato. "You should really have passed that on sooner" the monkey says. "Looks like thats gonna cost you a life." Moving on, the monkey finds Wind "Looks like wind failed to sit... again" the monkey says "Thats gonna cost wind a life and the game..." the monkey then pulls his lever, and everone is transported into the next room. In transport chair 9 explodes, chipper and all. Meanwhile Kurisutaru, Twiz, Prowler, Krisg, Ammer, Dranzer, Qanda, Matt, as well as the newly reappeared Chipper all have the red wave pass through them. Protective green orbs surround Qanda and matt, but eveone else is left exposed. Xjox is back in action, but it appears YesItIsh took another free ride. The contestants get transported into an empty room. They were all transported standing in a straight line wearing military uniforms. "Uh oh.." the monkey starts to talk. "It seems like you've all been transported into boot camp. YesItIsh" is one lucky guy/girl to have received a free transport through this" The door then opens with several scary looking men in uniform going in.
Seeing the look on their faces, the monkey cries "Fooled you:D, no, you arnt going to Boot camp, your just marching around chairs...
" Then monkey turns on the sound effects of bubbles as the music, reminds people there are 16 chairs left, and leaves the room, but before doing so passes the potato to Stephanie.
Matt, Chipper, and Wind all lost lives that round. Wind is now OUT.
Stephanie has 12 hours to pass the potato.