the monkey appears again. "Well that was a confusing round" he said. "But all in all, I think everyone be livin_in_the_shadow turned out fine. As for livin, at least they still have another life left"... oh it it looks like stephanie was a little too late(like 8 minutes) passing the potato, guess she loses a life as well..." he then pulls the lever. Mid transport chair three explodes, but a green orb surrounds Kurisutaru, protecting him from harm. The scary red wave also passed through Katy. "Looks like you got lucky there" the monkey says, adressing Kurisutaru "Someone musta been proecting your chair at the same time ti was tooled." Also after transport a faint musical note appears over livin's head, given people a glimps of tehir old role. The contests looked around and find they wre transported into a very big jail cell. All that surround them are thick black bars. "Okay, who is the one responsible for this?" someone blurts out. Everyone glares at sirclucky. "Hey, Don't blame me!! I'm just the host", he says. "Looks like Jabond picked a good day to sit in seat on though... lets keep him on his toes
" With this the monkey passes the potato to Jabond. He turns on some classical music and leaves the room.
edit: Krisgp sat in the middle seat and thus cant be passed the potato
edit2: Forgot to post the hint about livins role
"Also after transport a faint musical note appears over livin's head, given people a glimps of tehir old role"