Okay, I hope none of you guys take offense to this, but I am going to speak my mind.
I don't think any one of the final three deserves to win. Why? Well, first off we have Matt. I really don't believe in second chances; even moreso when, the first thing he does, is jump ship in tribes. Even if he was jumping to the Hakunamatata side, I still think Matt is undeserving. He came back, and betrayed more than anyone. He knew it would get him far, and it sure did, because of what many people did not realize.
Now, onto o_0. You know that you deserved to be voted out, but because of a clumsy vote, you were saved. This, again, is a second chance, which I don't really believe in. At least in SURVIVOR, where what is done should be what is done.
Then Twizzler. When we first began the game, I thought you would be a great asset to the tribe. But now that I look back on the game, I think you've pretty much rode the wave. I know that my speaking up and trying to lead Hakunamatata was the death of me, but someone needed to do it. If I had been doing what you had done, I'd be there now too, so I think you do not deserve to win either.
When the voting comes time, I really do not know who I will vote for. None of you are deserving at all. I know all the way through I've been all about Hakunamatata, but now that I look at it, I think Twiz is less deserving than the other two, maybe just one.
I'm not trying to be bitter about being voted out, I am trying to be honest. I realize some of you saw me as competition and that is why I was ultimately voted out.
Good luck in the final challenge.