Wow! I have finally assigned all the roles...and now to write up the intro....More procrastination ahead
Basic Overview:
Day ends at the end of your day. So when it’s night where you live, it’s night in the game.
There will be no night lists. You can PM me for questions about roles.
Quoting everything but my pm to you is fine. Yes, even the undead can be quoted. So you listen to bodiless voices…what’s suspicious about that? *cough*
One person will die each day most probably by murder.
Follow all PPT rules and respect other people…or else, your character might walk off a cliff (19,000 miles away) or get eaten by a [baby] squirrel
or Cympathy will use you as a chew toy.
Inactivity will be punishable (if no reason is supplied) by Cympathy, who is in need of many chew toys.
If you are an innocent, you must discover who the assassin is and eliminate them. Before the murderer can be eliminated, his/her evil assassin henchman or henchwoman and his/her thief must be recognized, not necessarily killed. The evil assassin and his/her mage are able to win by successfully duping all the characters into believing innocents are actually the assassin/mage.
During the day, all players discuss who they think is the assassin or mage based on clues from the last killing. Only after somebody has gathered sufficient evidence and suspects someone can they post in
bold print I suspect: (insert character name here)
of being the assassin/evil mage/thief (choose 1 not all 3). At this time, other players may choose to agree or disagree. However, it doesn’t matter whether or not they do. If the evidence does indeed support that person, matters are taken up with the queen. She will investigate them under interrogation. Everybody may supply questions for her to ask. She is allowed a maximum of 10 questions. Afterwards, the queen sends the accused off to jail and they are removed from the picture. If the right questions are asked to prove their innocence, they will be back the next day with their role revealed. If the wrong questions are asked, they will be killed by somebody in the jail (hmm….who else besides the assassin?) as to silence them from revealing anything they have discovered. If not, the queen will have fun arranging an execution for the assassin / evil mage / thief…
Also during the day, the assassin or evil mage or thief may strike. Then, there will be a death scene for everybody to gather evidence from. I shall not point out what is evidence or not. If perhaps, somebody noticed that I wrote about a scrap of green cloth, post in underline
Green Cloth: Evidence?. I will confirm if it is or is not and depending on who is still alive, give an analysis of it.
During the night, the assassin or evil mage or thief may strike. A death scene will be given so that people may gather evidence. I shall not point out what is evidence or not. If perhaps, somebody noticed that I wrote about a scrap of green cloth, post in italics
Green Cloth: Evidence?. I will confirm if it is or is not and depending on who is still alive, give an analysis of it.
Deceased characters:
They may only tell players what has already been known or said. The dead don’t wander around gathering evidence
. Should they want to, they are able to post in Queen Twizzler’s royal ball in
italics and
red font.
I shalt now begin typing up your roles. So, patience, and happy reading!!!
^^ yes, people, I finally got the rules together, Oh yes, if you want to you may begin posting here such things as I got my role, so I can know for sure I got you....There shalt not be a commentary thread as people are just "dying" to post here when dead, right?
Edit: I have added the third baddy role: the Thief (so that the odds are 10 to 1 instead of the original 14)
Ooh. It's pretty.
See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then.