Room G1 contains a room with 30 panels in it. 20 are covered in green paint. 10 are covered in black paint. If ## of the green panels are uncovered, the bomb is diffused. If # of the black panels are uncovered, the bomb explodes!!. Room G1 is voted upon to be opened or not during Day 1. If it is not opened, you will not be informed of what/when panels are uncovered.
Mystery box contains the dynamite. Whether it is opened or not has no meaning. However, only inhabitants of floor 5F may vote on it. Once 3 votes is reached either way, the decision is final.
anyone notice that he added some numbers...TDG must have got a few right
Room G1 contains a room with 30 panels in it. 20 are covered in green paint. 10 are covered in black paint. If 11 of the green panels are uncovered, the bomb is diffused. If 6 of the black panels are uncovered, the bomb explodes!!. Room G1 is voted upon to be opened or not during Day 1. If it is not opened, you will not be informed of what/when panels are uncovered.
*working on the 50% + 1 rule*
we really should figure out how many of the black panels after opened make the thing go boom...