Syrill wrote:
With that last word, he collapses and his body takes the form of the dark mage that has been pestering everybody constantly.
Queen Twizzler stares in shock as the necklace about his [or should I say her as he was a female] neck glows a malevolent black. A guest shrieks and all the guests run around panicking because a new evil mage has been made. Alex gives a scream as her soul is sucked out into a bottle. She collapses, a soulless body. All does not seem well.
Queen Hallera the Malignant (Kuge)
Side: Evil (You can’t stand those goody two shoes. They must be vanquished!)
Familiar Object: Soul Capture Bottle, Tome of Evil Spells
Accessory: Necklace of Enchantment
1. You are the evil mage. You are able to enchant one person from a list of 4 people you give at the ball. This person is unable to do anything for the rest of that day. If the assassin does not act on a day, you are able to enchant all 4 people.
2. Every time the assassin or thief is somehow found out, you are able to brainwash the palace guards to let him go free. If you are however found out before the assassin or thief is captured, you are unable to brainwash the guards.
3. When you are figured out and being sent to your execution, your familiar objects and accessory comes into play. The necklace brainwashes a random person to take over your role. If that person is killed, you will come back in their body and nobody shall be the wiser. The soul capture bottle will suck out somebody’s soul. The tome of evil spells will go into hiding to bring you back if you get killed in the new mage's body.