Judges Notes: Well, this was a tough round, but they will only get tougher. My favorite part of the round was how some of you referred to Twiz in your subtext. In a subtext, you should try to incorporate as many elements of the signature as possible. The name, the image, the background; as much as possible.
Dawn---Sweet in more ways than one
Hmm, to be honest, I don’t really like this one. I just don’t think it really fits with the signature. I mean, I can see where you are coming from, but I just don’t see it. Sorry.
Twiz---Sweet as Candy
Aren’t candy canes candy? I don’t see how they can be sweet as candy, if they are candy. I don’t really understand, sorry.
Kurisutaru---A Tasty Treat
The subtext itself is fine, but it is just a bit expected, and a bit blah. There isn’t anything special or exciting about it.
Qanda---Queen of Candy
I like this one a lot. You incorporated both the name, and the image. That can be very hard to do, so excellent job.
Req---Sweet and simple
I like the sweet part, but I’m not so fond of the simple part. The way you worded it just seems wrong. Also I’m not sure if you or Mark had the subtext first, but they are very similar.
Loser---Twisted Treats
Nice, I like it. Not to long, and it fits with the candy cane part of the subtext very well. Nice job.
WIS---A Seasonal Delight
I’m happy some one referred to the holidays in their subtext! Anywho, I like this one, fits in well, and it works with the signature. Nice!
Sirclucky---Even a queen *fade* Needs her cane
Probably my favorite one this round. You got Twiz and the candy cane all in one subtext, plus it is humorous. Great work!
Mark---Simply Sweet
Meh, I’m not a fan of this subtext. It works better than Req’s, but they are essentially the same. I don’t know whose came first, or even if they were copied, but I’m still not a fan. Sorry.
Anubis---I prefer candy apples.
You got Twiz in the subtext, and you made reference to the candy canes, even if it wasn’t direct. Nice work.
Hellyer---Sweet Candy Treat
Yeah, I see it working. It isn’t anything spectacular, but it isn’t terrible.
Eliminate: Dawn and Twiz. Sorry, hardest choice yet.