Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
Setekh wrote:
infinite space?
space exists not only in the 3rd dimension.
but also the 4th, 5th, 6th (various states of time) 7th, 8th and 9th (just... dont ask)
think of it this way:
when you look out into the nights sky, all the galaxies around us are moving away from us?
that would mean where at the centre of the universe right?
nope, afraid not.
Think of it like this: place a few dots on a uninflated balloon, then blow it up.
all the spots move away from eachother as it inflates, but none of them can claim to be the centre of this baloonite universe (other than the fact that they cant talk) so whats going on?
enter the 7th, 8th and 9th dimensions.
as for how its infinite, again, easy. its not.
as you move towards the "edge" of the universe you will simply keep going, eventually youll end up back where you started (assuming you go in a straight line)
again, inside of a sphere kind of stuff here.
meaning of life, 42 as has been said.
the question?
knowing the answer immedietly excludes knowing the question, and to know both simeltaneously would mean that the unierse would cease to be and come back into being ever more complicated.
If space is a sphere then that means it's round like the earth and other planets. Space surrounds us and the planets. A sphere HAS to have something surrounding it. So what surrounds space? We will never know. Ever. It just isn't possible.
Why does a sphere have to have something around it to support it? It's probably held back by God maybe, I don't know. Space is ever expanding, where it's expanding into, no-one knows, maybe it's not premade room that were expanding into or that simply the universe expand infinitely till were consumed by dark matter and torn apart. Universe, well what it is, it's not really anything outside it I could imagine, it keeps going it stretches into an infinite space of nothingness beyond that of current human comprehension.