I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:57 pm

Hasielfell could feel the welcoming blanket of darkness come to her, the gentle velvet black. She rose from her coffin, her long skirt swishing as she moved. It would be such a beautiful night, the perfect for being alone to her thoughts. Unfortunatly, she had to meet with the other vampires. She picked a wine bottle from the cases. It would be a gift for her favorite lackey, Xeres. It did not hold wine at all, but blood.

((Hey, CD, since you aren't contributing much, I'll help you contribute! YAY! Hasielfell being Xeres's boss and all...))

Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:04 pm

Ashley picked up the phone to call Christine, but there was no answer- she wanted to talk to her about what just happened on the soap, who would've thought Charles would have gone to the hospital? She put the phone down with slight frustration and looked back over at the telivision...still commercials. Ashley settled into a more comfortable position, but still quite bored and lonely.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:05 pm

[TrinTrin, you're not meant to do that.]

The raven returned to Jack, and Jack furrowed his brow at it. "Ianti, return to them, and make sure that they don't record anything." Ianti cawed, and returned to the two friends.

He landed on Christine's shoulder, and pecked at her neck.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:29 pm

((:o My Boss! ^_^ So will you allow me to make it so you're the one who sired me SI?))
Xeres could smell fresh blood. It was close.

It was Hasielfell. The smell of her coffin on her was a givaway. 'Such an old fashioned woman' he thought. 'Nobody uses Coffins anymore...'

He could remember the night he first met Hasielfell, It was that fateful night 88 years, 11 months and 30 days ago. She had been the one to sire him and ravage his family.

He started to walk towards the smell. Hoping for something to fill his stomache.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:01 pm

Anubis wrote:[TrinTrin, you're not meant to do that.]

((Don't worry, her annoying little brother will change the channel and stop the recording while Christine's walking there. Moohaha! :3))

"Ow!" A raven had innocently flown down onto Christine's shoulder and pecked her neck. She gingerly rubbed the spot, and red stained her hands. She glared at the bird, trying to pry the raven off of her shoulder. But the bird seemed to have an iron grip, and would not let go. "What do you want? Am I being sent on a mystical quest or something?" she rolled her eyes, bending over to retrieve her cell phone from her purse. "Hmm.. It's on silent mode..." Christine gently pushed a few buttons, until the phone displayed the missed calls screen. "Darn, Ashley must've called." She punched in a couple of numbers, and put the phone up to her ear, waiting for Ashley's answer.

Chistine's little 10 year old brother, Antony, strided in the living room. He wiped some sweat off, left over from his soccer match, the last game of the season. He flopped onto the comfy sofa, facing the tv. "Soaps? Yuk," he said, flipping to the next channel and deleting the recording.

((Will the raven come off now?))

Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:06 pm

Ianti flew to Christine's little brother, flapping around him, his way of saying thanks. He then flew back towards Jack's tower, his job done. Even if Christine did realise, she wouldn't in time. Celena would have missed at least half of it, if not more, by now.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:35 pm

Ciaran seemed to materialize from the darkness, stepping into view beside Hassielfell's coffin.

"Hello, my dear.." he said, a seductive, vicious quality to his voice. "Enjoying yourself?"

Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:18 am

Xeres follow the scent to find Hassielfell and Ciaran talking.

Xeres knelt quickly and bent his head.
"Hello my Master." He said with his head still bent. He looked up, still kneeling at his feet, to look upon the Master Vampire.

Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:22 am

Saved! Ashley thought, answering her phone. "Hey Christine! Where are you girl?" She asked, smiling. She was a great multi-tasker, eyes on soaps, ears on phone. She plopped her feet up on the couch, stretching out. Ashley always felt best when talking to her friends.
Last edited by Forest_Majesty on Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:25 am

Ciaran turned to survey Xeres, kneeling before him.

"Rise, Xeres." he commanded, in an almost bored tone. Kneeling and the likes were not for his most powerful minions.

Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:34 am

Xeres rose as commanded. He hadn't been around the master much so he did not know what was expected of him.

"Is there anything you need doing tonight Master?" He asked.

Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:38 am

Now the perpetural fury of Ciaran bagan to rise to the surface. He turned fully toward Xeres, eyes flashing crimson with malice. His, voice, as he spoke, was a low and dangerous hiss.

"I want to know why you haven't stolen the head of a slayer and replaced it with one of your famous daisy chains!" His voice grew in volume as he spoke, until he was nearly shouting by then end of his sentence.

Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:59 am

Xeres started to quiver but stopped himself.

"I am sorry Master. We do not yet know who the new Slayers are." His voice was slightly shakey as he spoke. "I guarantee as soon as we know I will personally have both thier heads on a platter for you."

Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:11 am

Ciaran paused, breathing heavily. He seemed to rein in his temper, the fury leaving his eyes to be replaced by a dim grey-blue.

"Good. You are loyal....it is a quality that will hold well as you serve under me." A dangerous edge to his voice just hinted at the unpleasant circumstances that would await a traitorous follower.

Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:21 am

Forest_Majesty wrote:Saved! Rae thought, answering her phone.

((Wrong character, silleh! :P))

"Hey, Ash! Sorry I missed your call, my cell was on silent mode. Well, anyway, I'm heading over to visit Celena; she must be bored stiff over there. And to top it all off, Toby's there. And you know how Celena hates that boy. So, wanna come along? I'm just a block or two away from your house if you wanna come." Christine held her cell phone up with her shoulder as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, waiting for her friend's response.
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