Swords - A Japanese One, a Gladius, several rapiers, as well as shurikans and katars. (Each sword costs at least $700 for a battle ready one)
Lego - The Star Destroyer($700), the Death Star($700), Sandcrawler($350), Supersize Snowspeeder($300), Clone Battle Tank($180), New Millenium Falcon($250), 12 more X-Wings($150 each), 12 copies of the tie fighter set (contains 4 ties)(About $150-250 per set), an immensly large amount of castle lego so I can build a better castle than the one I just finished ($$$)
Rings - lots of them, except they wouldn't be like garish bling, I would go after red gold and platinum base, and always have just one type of gem on them, specifically I would go for saphires, emeralds, rubies, blue topaz, pink topaz, peridot, and greenstone. I hate rings which are a lump of gold with a massive gem in them, don't look good.
Transformers Toys!!!!11 - Everything, seriously. I would have to go to Japan again to hunt down all those original 80's ones but I want everything from Generation 1, 2, Energon, Armada, In Disguise, and Galaxy Force. What I'm currently after is the Galaxy Force Starscream which is about a foot high *squeeeeeee*
A giant roll of movie passes.
A new computer, for the love of god it would be a good one. The latest and best Duel processor, a couple of terabytes of HD, 5 or so gigs of RAM, but with unlimited money, who knows what I could get! And with unlimited money I would be the one to create a new telecomunications infastructure for New Zealand! I would topple Telecom and all the nerds and frustrated people of NZ would praise me!!!!11111
A secret lair - gotta have one. With camoflagued doors in my house to get to it, and doors that go 'whoosh' and open with proximity.
My own Gundam!!!!!11111ollollol!
Posters...so many posters....
Anime spree. Plush toys, DVDs, figurines, manga, nuff said.
A large and disturbing wardrobe of cosplay stuffs!
A large house with English butlers, Turkish and Indian cooks, and German security (to work on stereotypes).
Lots of the webcomics I like have actual comics as well, might as well get them.
My own spy satilite for...research purposes.
An Ipod. I must be the only person I know without one, my magical cd player which can make a cd hold like 350 songs aint cutting it compared to 15000.
Books - lots
A kebab. I'm hungry
Thats all off the top of my head.