Ok, i'm bored of my set at the moment, but i dont have time to make myself a new one, and i'm feeling too lazy to request a set.... so i'm leaving it up to you guys to make me some
1st place - 10k
2 runners up - 2k each
I'm not really all that fussed what is on the set (that and i'm having a mental blank and seem to be unable to compose a list). I'd quite like summery or autumny themed sets, and things relating to sleeping are always good. Generally i'd like pretty girly things like flowers, butterflys, fairys, but then not only that.... surprise me?
A couple of things you could maybe to could (but dont have to) include Birmingham (UK) or perth (WA), adenoviruses (they look cool and i have an 8 week long interest in them), beaches....
I dont mind what size you make the set, obviously within PPT requirements. But
please do not animate the sets (except maybe subtly animated subtexts, but not really fast or scary/dizzifying ones).
Colour wise, i'm also having a mental blank, but i dont think there's anything i particuarly hate....
Ok, i think thats it, not that i've written very much at all helpful. basically i'd like sets in general, anything you'd like to make, but no animation.
Closing date - Friday 29th July, and i will attempt to judge by the end of that weekend.
If you have any questions just ask
Cleo Lo