"Well, what do you want me to do to her?" the wizard asked calmly, composing himself again. "You should have drained her by now. I thought you said that selkies are hard to catch?"
"Yes," the maddec replies, quite seriously. "Sea fae hard to get. They keep far from us. Use spells to fight us. We need find their homes. Seal-girl knows all secrets of sea fae homes. You take her sealskin, she do all you say. She tell you where, we find them." A pile of nymph clothes leapt out of the ocean, sullied by a maddec's slime.
"Why," the wizard said, his eyes aglow just as Senya's eyes were aghast with horror, "that is an excellent idea. Now I just need to get her sealskin." He looked doubtfully at the selkie who was in no mood to obey them. Give them her sealskin? Why, she wouldn't turn herself into a slave that easily!
"Come now," the wizard coaxed. "You can change into those clothes behind that rock and we'll wait for you." Senya realised he was talking about the rock where she had only changed into a human the previous night. It seemed terribly cruel somehow that this was the rock where only last night Nerina had promised to collect the sealskin, as usual. Only it hadn't been a usual night. Rage filled Senya's heart as she thought about it.
"If you don't, we'll drain you slowly," the wizard threatened.
"We?" the maddec muttered, but the wizard ignored him. "What will you do?"
The selkie was furious. She would rather die now than give away the secret homes of all the sea faeries of the ocean. They would kill her later anyway. As if reading her thoughts, the wizard added, "We won't kill you afterwards if you do. I'll take care of you." Then he smirked. His idea of looking after a faerie was turn them into a servant, but prison was better than death, he thought.
Senya would have refused at this point again if she had not had a brainwave: What if she escaped while they thought she was changing into a human? She would hold her sealskin and run away. She would warn other faeries of this terrible conspiracy. Staring at the maddec and the wizard a moment longer, she shuddered and then bit the pile of clothes, dragging them away towards the rock, the slime on her teeth. The wizard smiled triumphantly.
Behind the rock, Senya shed her sealskin and rinsed the blue-green garments clean of mud and grime that Nerina had given her. Nerina ... I swear I will avenge you, Nerina, she thought fiercely. Holding her sealskin to her heart, she gulped. Time to make a run for it.
But she had not calculated for how powerful the wizard would be. Senya had not run many yards before two tentacle-like whips made of sand wrapped themselves around her legs and pulled her to the ground. She fell, the sealskin tumbling out of her hands. The treacherous footsteps sounded nearer and nearer, muffled by the soft sand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw gnarled fingers pick up her sealskin -- her ticket to freedom and home.
"Trying to run away now, are we?" the wizard smiled, his eyes glinting and unsmiling. "Thought you might try that." A flame appeared out of his finger, flickering at the tip. "Now won't you be a good girl and tell us where everyone is? Otherwise your sealskin will suffer. I might even consider giving you your life even though you tried to betray me just now."
Senya gulped several times, unable to find her voice. That wicked human was holding part of herself and she could not find the words to voice her thoughts. Like all selkies, she wanted her sealskin back more than anything else. A fierce, desparate urge to get it back filled her. Her hands reached out involuntarily for it but the wizard held it tantalizingly out of her reach. "What will it be?" he asked in a mocking tone at her predicament.
The selkie was just about ready to give in to what he wanted, anything he wanted, as long as she could get her sealskin back when she remembered her vow to Nerina. She would have been ready to break it if she thought it would do any good, but the reminder of the vow paused her wild desire and she began to think. If she betrayed the sea faeries, would the man really give the sealskin back? Somehow she could not feel that he was a man of his word. And humans, she remembered, never gave sealskins back. He would burn it all the same.
The wizard was displeased by the pause. He brought his finger closer to the skin. Senya cried out a mute, despairing cry, wanting to change her mind again. "Mute then, are we?" the wizard exclaimed, annoyed. "Say something if you want to save your skin." But something was controlling the selkie's voice and she could not find it, even though she wanted to.
"Useless to us," the wizard muttered, disgusted. He shook his head. A mute selkie was no good to him. Who knew if a mute selkie lacked some magic powers he might want? "We need another selkie," he called to the maddec. "This one's mute."
"What of her?" the maddec wanted to know.
The wizard shrugged. "She can't betray us," he said. "It would be too cruel to kill something so beautiful as well," he added to himself under his breath.
Senya could not believe her ears. Here was a piece of luck! Thank goodness for beauty. She might be dead without it. But she had counted her chickens too soon.
The wizard was about to drop the sealskin on the selkie when a sudden anger took hold of him. Smiling maliciously, he brought the flame back to the skin and set it aflame. Senya gaped in stupefied horror at her burning skin. She tried to save it but sand tendrils whipped out and pinned her arms down. Tears rolled uselessly down her pale cheeks. Watching the skin burn, it felt like watching herself burn at a stake. Pain seared through her body.
She would never be able to go back to the sea. She was not a selkie without her skin. She had lost the place she had been born, the place she had grown up, the place that was by birthright her home.
As the last of the skin smouldered away and the ashes fell to the sand, she let out a terrible, silent scream no human could hear but every faerie within a few miles would hear. It was the most agonising scream a faerie could make, the one on level to a death-cry.
