Ah, now you're getting confused with sexism.
Oh dear.
Look, netball isn't a sexist sport. It is primarily played by women, because there is not enough interest from men. You get the odd lad who'd like to play, but not enough to make a team.
We had lads on our netball team in primary school, but not secondary school- when you get to secondary age the differences between genders become more obvious. No, I don't mean that, I mean in terms of sporting ability in general.
If enough boys wanted to play netball, we'd have a team. Though they'd need boys in other areas to be interested enough, so they could actually play people. Nobody says they can't play- in fact, in GCSE PE boys HAVE to play netball.
And 95 % of them absolutely loathe it. They want to play basketball. They want to move their feet with the ball, they want to bounce it, they want to go all over the court. We do try and get them to play!
We do have a girl's football (soccer team) and a girl's rugby team- that's ALL GIRLS- because when we've tried to form the teams, enough people were actually keen to participate. We have a girl's football and a girl's rugby league.
I'd never say such and such sport is for males and such and such is for females and the other gender can't play.
This isn't sexism. *collapses*